
(merge from offical wiki)
第1行: 第1行:
[[File:Landmark_background.jpg|thumbnail|Landmark promotional image of Notre Dame (Paris, France)]]
[[File:Landmark_background.jpg|thumbnail|Landmark promotional image of Notre Dame (Paris, France)]]
'''Landmarks''' are unique buildings from around the world that provide [[recreation]] to [[citizens]]. These buildings are not part of the base game and must be unlocked, currently via the [https://skylines.paradoxwikis.com/Treasure_Hunt C:S Treasure Hunt] or as part of the [[Pre-order pack]].
''' 地标''' 是来自现实世界各地的建筑,为[[ 市民]] 提供[[ 休闲]] 。以下建筑不属于游戏本体,而需要通过[https://skylines.paradoxwikis.com/Treasure_Hunt 都市天际线寻宝] 活动或通过[[ 预购奖励包]] 获得

== 建筑==
<section begin=autogenerated_landmarks_list/><!--
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Everything in this section is generated and automatically uploaded with PyHelpersForPDXWikis
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Please suggest changes on the talk page, because all manual changes will be overwritten by the next update! 
{| class = "mildtable sortable"
{| class = "mildtable sortable"
! Name !! Size (cells) !! DLC !! Cost !! Upkeep per month !! XP !! Attractiveness !! Leisure !! Has companies !! maintenancePool
! width=30% | 名称 !! 大小 ( 格数) !! DLC !! 花费 !! 月维护费 !! XP !! 吸引力 !! 休闲 !! 是否含有公司 !! 维护阈值
| {{iconbox|Bell Tower of Xi'an|Originally built in 1384 during the early Ming Dynasty, this brick and timber bell tower is the largest and most well preserved of its kind. It stands as a symbol of ancient China at the center of the city of Xi'an.|image=Landmark Bell Tower of Xi'an.png}}
| {{iconbox| 西安钟楼|en=Bell Tower of Xi'an| 这座砖木结构的钟楼始建于1384年明朝初期,是同类建筑中规模最大、保存最完好的一座。其坐落于西安市的中央,是古代中国的一个象征。|image=Landmark Bell Tower of Xi'an.png}}
| 16×16
| 16×16
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第19行: 第28行:
| 7000
| 7000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{green|+100}} Outdoor Recreation
| {{green|+100}} 室外休闲
| 4000
| 4000
| {{iconbox|Botanical Garden|A huge greenhouse that displays wondrous plantlife from all over the globe.|image=Landmark Botanical Garden.png}}
| {{iconbox| 植物园|en=Botanical Garden| 一个巨大的温室,展示了来自世界各地的奇妙植物。|image=Landmark Botanical Garden.png}}
| 12×16
| 12×16
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第30行: 第39行:
| 2000
| 2000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{green|+100}} Outdoor Recreation
| {{green|+100}} 室外休闲
| 4000
| 4000
| {{iconbox|Ferris Wheel|The Ferris Wheel is a giant observation wheel and it is an extremely popular tourist attraction in the city.|image=Landmark Ferris Wheel.png}}
| {{iconbox| 摩天轮|en=Ferris Wheel| 摩天轮是一种巨大的转轮型观景设施,同时也是城市中非常热门的旅游景点。|image=Landmark Ferris Wheel.png}}
| 20×16
| 20×16
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第41行: 第50行:
| 7000
| 7000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 110
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 110
| {{green|+75}} Indoor Recreation
| {{green|+75}} 室内休闲
| 2500
| 2500
| {{iconbox|Fountain Plaza|A massive, round plaza with concentric fountains.|image=Landmark Fountain Plaza.png}}
| {{iconbox| 喷泉广场|en=Fountain Plaza| 一个巨大的圆形广场,带有一座原型喷泉|image=Landmark Fountain Plaza.png}}
| 14×14
| 14×14
| {{icon|Treasure Hunt}}
| {{icon|Treasure Hunt}}
第52行: 第61行:
| 2000
| 2000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 100
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 100
| {{green|+50}} Outdoor Recreation
| {{green|+50}} 室外休闲
| 4000
| 4000
| {{iconbox|Grand Hotel|A towering, monumental hotel with a classic design that's stood the test of time.|image=Landmark Grand Hotel.png}}
| {{iconbox| 大酒店|en=Grand Hotel| 高耸的纪念性大酒店,其经典设计经受住了时间的考验。|image=Landmark Grand Hotel.png}}
| 14×10
| 14×10
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第63行: 第72行:
| 2000
| 2000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 115
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 115
| {{green|+75}} Indoor Recreation
| {{green|+75}} 室内休闲
| True
| True
| 2500
| 2500
| {{iconbox|Namdaemun|Namdaemun is one of the Eight Gates in the Fortress Wall of Seoul, South Korea, which surrounded the city in 14th century. First built in 1398, and rebuilt in 1447, it is a historic pagoda-style gateway, and is designated as the first National Treasure of South Korea.|image=Landmark Namdaemun.png}}
| {{iconbox| 崇礼门|en=Namdaemun| 崇礼门为韩国首尔城墙的八大城门之一,在14世纪将首尔城围了起来。其始建于1398年,并于1447年重建,是一座历史悠久的宝塔式门户,被指定为韩国第一国宝。|image=Landmark Namdaemun.png}}
| 14×14
| 14×14
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第74行: 第83行:
| 7000
| 7000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{green|+100}} Outdoor Recreation
| {{green|+100}} 室外休闲
| 4000
| 4000
| {{iconbox|National Diet Building|This building is  where both houses of the Japanese legislature, the National Diet, meet. Located in Tokyo, the building was completed in 1936, and it is constructed almost solely out of Japanese materials.|image=Landmark National Diet Building.png}}
| {{iconbox| 国会议事堂|en=National Diet Building| 该建筑是日本立法机关,即国会两院开会的地方。其坐落于东京,并于1936年完工,几乎完全以日本材料建造。|image=Landmark National Diet Building.png}}
| 33×31
| 33×31
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第85行: 第94行:
| 7000
| 7000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 125
| {{green|+100}} Outdoor Recreation
| {{green|+100}} 室外休闲
| 4000
| 4000
| {{iconbox|National Gallery of Art|A national art museum in Washington, D.C. Established in 1937, the museum is open to the public and free of charge.|image=Landmark National Gallery of Art.png}}
| {{iconbox| 国家美术馆|en=National Gallery of Art| 位于华盛顿特区的国家美术馆。博物馆成立于1937年,对公众免费开放。|image=Landmark National Gallery of Art.png}}
| 42×18
| 42×18
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第96行: 第105行:
| 4000
| 4000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 120
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 120
| {{green|+100}} Indoor Recreation
| {{green|+100}} 室内休闲
| 3000
| 3000
| {{iconbox|Notre-Dame|Notre-Dame de Paris is the world-famous French medieval Gothic cathedral. Built over the years from 1163 to 1345, it has become one of the most widely recognized symbols of the city of Paris.|image=Landmark Notre-Dame.png}}
| {{iconbox| 巴黎圣母院|en=Notre-Dame| 巴黎圣母院是举世闻名的法国中世纪哥特式大教堂。它建于1163年至1345年,已成为巴黎市最广泛认可的标志之一。|image=Landmark Notre-Dame.png}}
| 10×25
| 10×25
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第107行: 第116行:
| 7000
| 7000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 175
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 175
| {{green|+125}} Outdoor Recreation
| {{green|+125}} 室外休闲
| 3500
| 3500
| {{iconbox|Näsinneula|Näsinneula is an observation tower in Tampere, Finland. Opened in 1971, the tower is located in the Särkänniemi amusement park, overseeing Lake Näsijärvi. A revolving restaurant is located in the top of the tower, with one revolution taking 45 minutes.|image=Landmark Näsinneula.png}}
| {{iconbox| 奈西针塔|en=Näsinneula| 奈西针塔是位于芬兰坦佩雷的一处观景塔。该塔于1971年开放,位于萨拉卡涅米游乐园中,可俯瞰奈西湖。旋转餐厅位于塔楼的顶部,旋转一圈需要45分钟。|image=Landmark Näsinneula.png}}
| 18×15
| 18×15
| {{icon|preorder}}
| {{icon|preorder}}
第118行: 第127行:
| 6000
| 6000
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 115
| {{icon|attractiveness}} 115
| {{green|+75}} Indoor Recreation
| {{green|+75}} 室内休闲
| True
| True
| 2000
| 2000

2025年3月16日 (日) 01:42的最新版本

Landmark promotional image of Notre Dame (Paris, France)



名称 大小 (格数) DLC 花费 月维护费 XP 吸引力 休闲 是否含有公司 维护阈值
西安钟楼 的图标
Bell Tower of Xi'an
16×16 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 125 +100 室外休闲 4000
植物园 的图标
Botanical Garden
12×16 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 Tourism.png 125 +100 室外休闲 4000
摩天轮 的图标
Ferris Wheel
20×16 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 110 +75 室内休闲 2500
喷泉广场 的图标
Fountain Plaza
14×14 CS1 Owner "DLC" for people who redeemed the code on paradox account found in the treasure hunt. ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 Tourism.png 100 +50 室外休闲 4000
大酒店 的图标
Grand Hotel
14×10 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 Tourism.png 115 +75 室内休闲 True 2500
崇礼门 的图标
14×14 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 125 +100 室外休闲 4000
国会议事堂 的图标
National Diet Building
33×31 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 125 +100 室外休闲 4000
国家美术馆 的图标
National Gallery of Art
42×18 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000 Tourism.png 120 +100 室内休闲 3000
巴黎圣母院 的图标
10×25 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 175 +125 室外休闲 3500
奈西针塔 的图标
18×15 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡4.8M ₡480.0K 6000 Tourism.png 115 +75 室内休闲 True 2000