
天津风不是天津的风讨论 | 贡献2023年11月7日 (二) 19:34的版本 (天津风不是天津的风移动页面Landscaping城市美化


The Terraforming tab contains several tools that allow for changes in the terrain, which can help to change the physical design of the city. Soil is a resource which is accumulated by reducing the height of land, and is used elsewhere to increase land height. This enables the construction of new coastlines or mountain ranges or perhaps the removal of an inconvenient mountain. It can sometimes be helpful to level terrain so buildings look better, and even be necessary for larger buildings like airports. The tab contains the following tools:

  • Soften.png Shift Terrain - Elevate by pressing the primary mouse button, lower with the secondary mouse button.
  • Level.png Flatten Terrain - Use the secondary mouse button to select the target height, then use the primary button to flatten terrain to that height.
  • Soften.png Soften Terrain - Use the primary mouse button for a gentle smoothing effect.
  • Slope.png Slope Terrain - Click with the primary mouse button on one end of the area where the slope is to be located. With the secondary mouse button, click and drag from the other desired end back towards the first point to create the slope.

When terraforming, the size of the brush can be changed from 10 (equivalent to 1 zoning cell) to 1000. The strength of the brush can range from 1 to 100 percent.


Similar to zoning, vegetation can have European or North American theme to determine its appearance. Each piece of vegetation can be placed either one at a time at the cost of ₡10 apiece, or in bulk by using a brush similar to the terraforming one. Vegetation grows bigger as time passes.

Base Game Trees


Pathways are narrow tracks which citizens will use in combination with roadside sidewalks and crosswalks to reach destinations on foot.

Paths are placed using the same tools as roads. They can be elevated, allowing players to construct footbridges over major roads as well as other, more elaborate pedestrian systems. Cut, fill, and tunnel paths can also be built.

There are three special pedestrian path bridge designs that can be built in addition to generic elevated paths. The designs are a cable-stayed bridge, a tied-arch bridge, and a modern covered bridge.

Citizens are prepared to walk surprisingly long distances to their destinations, and an investment in footpath infrastructure can relieve a considerable burden from a city's roads. Citizens will also walk parts of journeys that also involve other transport methods. If a road dead-ends and there is another road nearby, it can be helpful to link the dead-end to the other road with a pedestrian path to allow citizens on foot an easy way out.

Pedestrian Bridges
