
天津风不是天津的风讨论 | 贡献2023年11月13日 (一) 20:15的版本 (创建页面,内容为“{{Ambox_2020 |type=warning |fa=pencil |text2css=ambox-multi |text1={{{title|此页面}}}尚未完成 |text2={{#if:{{{with|}}} | 需要完善以下内容: {{{with|}}}|,请简要说明需要补充的内容以方便他人完善}} {{#if:{{{talksection|}}}| {{#ifexist: {{TALKPAGENAME}}|<br/>进一步的信息可以在 [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#{{{talksection}}}|讨论页]] 找到。}} }} }}<includeonly>Category:需要完善</includeonly><noinclude>{{Template d…”)
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[阅读] [编辑]Template-info.png 模板文档

Expand can be used to highlight articles that need expansion.


This table may be added by copy-pasting the template as shown below into an article.



Parameter Description Default Status
with explain what issues need to be addressed optional
talksection section heading in the talk page where the issue is discussed optional

Please use one of these options.


Puts a table onto the page that needs expansion and auto-categorizes tagged articles into Category:Expand.

Updating this template

You shouldn't have to.



Will display this:

{{Expand‎|with=an example}}

Will display this:

{{Expand‎|with=<nowiki />
*calculation formula
*example calculation}}

Will display this: