- 新的北美滨水分区
- 30 新建筑
- 24 额外变体
- 新的欧洲滨水分区
- 30 新建筑
- 24 额外变体
- 4 种棕榈树
- 6 个新的地标建筑
- 16 首新曲
- 新的DJ内容
- 添加代码模组支持
- 增加模组制作工具链安装与状态(用于创建代码模组)
- 增加支持地图创建的编辑器
- 导入/导出高度图
- 导入资源地图
- 选择气候
- 增添/编辑水源
- 定义地图细节,如名字和主题
- 增加Paradox Mods集成,用于分享
- 代码模组
- 游戏存档
- 自定义地图
- 优化各种系统,以减少帧时的突然剧增,优化整体模拟性能
- 优化放置建筑物时的帧时
- 小幅优化一些情境下的剔除
- 优化UI渲染,尤其是照片模式与选项的Widget系统
- 减少UI渲染曲线的消耗
- 消防直升机增加了灭火音效
- 放置单棵树木、灌木和一些部件时增加了自动随机旋转
- 更新后的公交车站、公交车候车亭、出租车站、出租车候车亭和有轨电车站点工具栏图标
- 优化下雪相关引导的可见性
- 优化默认光标,提升在雪上的可见性
- 优化土地价值系统
- 医疗保健、教育、警务和电信的服务覆盖范围今后会影响土地价值
- 商业服务的便捷度今后会影响土地价值
- 公共交通运输的各类车站今后会影响土地价值
- 噪音、水、空气与土地污染今后会影响土地价值
- 海岸线今后会影响土地价值
- 为土地价值加成因素增加上限
- 土地价值信息视图中,“建筑土地价值”信息视图替换为“土地价值来源”信息视图
- 今后,土地价值信息视图启用时,“租金过高”警告通知会高亮
- 光标增加土地价值工具提示,在土地价值信息视图启用时,显示土地或建筑在当前位置的货币价值
- 修复了与人行道直接相连的建筑物升级时,游戏会崩溃并回到桌面的问题
- 修复一个故障:如果所加载存档的创建时间贴近上一个存档,或贴近新游戏,加载该存档后不久,游戏会崩溃并回到桌面
- 修复了使用“增添物品”菜单放置生物后,游戏会在运行模拟时崩溃并回到桌面的问题
- 修复了鼠标悬停在缺失树木资产上方,或点击缺失的可生成建筑物资产时,游戏会崩溃并回到桌面的问题
- 当《Cities: Skylines》奖励不可用时,点击CO载具的线路详情会令整个用户界面永久消失
- 修正了在执行特定操作并迁移建筑后游戏会崩溃的问题
- 修复了货运车辆有时会生成在物流建筑内的问题
- 修复了货运车辆基本只使用货运终点站的前两个装卸区的问题
- 修复了火车外部连接上出现止冲器的问题(修复的是新的连接)
- 修复了服务车辆有时会在完成任务后消失的问题(该问题可能出现在消防车、警车、养护车辆、救护车、灵车和出租车上)
- 修复了多车排队等待从道路驶入建筑用地时,车辆会在错误位置停车或减速的问题
- 修复了坦佩雷和旧金山地图的第一人称镜头高度(海拔较低地图上目前的高度限制为最低4096)
- 修复了存档完成时,暂停菜单游戏存档通知出现可见的字符串ID的问题
- 将枯树叶的颜色修复为棕色
- 修复了车辆线路含多个部分时,线路颜色修改仅更新一个部分,其余部分需要鼠标悬停在上方才会更新的问题
- 修复了垃圾车、道路养护车辆和邮政车穿过公交车港湾式停靠站的问题
- 修正了在连续的道路分段中间放置/移动交通站点时的碰撞图标闪烁问题
- 游戏加载详情面板增加了禁用成就警告
- 优化了“无限金钱”或“解锁全部”已选中情况下,游戏加载面板的成就警告走马灯文字
- 修复了一些建筑物上飘浮的树木和部件
- 修复了微谈中品牌预制件缺失时,UI会故障的问题
- 修复了灾害预警系统警报声不停止的问题
- 修复了移动建筑物后通知仍留在原地的问题
- 修复了水/污水容量通知不显示的问题
- 修正了龙卷风事件在被解除后完全消失,导致游戏无法生成下一个龙卷风的问题
- 修复了建筑用地(特定类型的库房、燃煤发电厂、资源回收中心)上堆放的物品的资源类型和当前储存量显示错误的问题
- 修复一个问题:对于大部分工具,如果鼠标按键按下与释放发生在同一帧内时,一些状态将永远保留
- 修复了错误的交叉路口节点图标
- 修复了可以同时在两个曲线编辑器中删除关键帧的问题。现在,在编辑器之外点击鼠标,将取消选中该编辑器中的关键帧
- 修复了电影摄像机中的暂停键不生效的问题
- 修复了使用手柄时的一些问题
- 修复了返回主菜单后变更“菜单音乐音量”或“电台音量”时,会播放电台音乐的问题
- 优化了电影摄像机的平滑控制
- 修复了在包含带围栏预先放置建筑的地图上开启新游戏时,会闪退至桌面或发生其他问题的故障
- 修复了登出Paradox账号会导致无法再次使用模组的问题
- 修复了导致游戏中不显示模组的故障
- 修复了地图缩略图和预览图变暗的问题
- 修复了一系列本地化错误
- 对于“保存”/“上传地图”面板中现存的模组选择,用可搜索弹窗替换了通用弹窗
- 更新了多个位置的Paradox Mods图标
- 在加载、新游戏、资产选取器等相关面板增添了DLC内容和Paradox Mods数据源内容的角标
- 在新内容面板增添了使用鼠标滚轮滚动页面的功能
- 增添了youtu.be和discord.gg,以支持外部链接弹窗解析器
- 修复了在“保存”/“上传地图”面板上传包含空格的图片和预览时会失败的问题
- 优化了“保存”/“上传地图”面板的版本号清理验证
- 加入对Nvidia DLSS超分辨率的支持
- 一些寻路优化,用来缓解模拟迟缓的问题
- 用户界面优化
- 进行优化,减少帧时突增
- 模组选项从随机顺序改为按字母顺序排列
- 将信息视图中车站和邮箱的颜色与图标颜色统一
- 市民在市内移动时更倾向于搭乘来自外部连接的出租车
- 通过启动器继续游戏时,自动暂停,并显示所有未处理的合法文件
- 修复了使用编辑器自定义地图开始新游戏时,如果使用了“占位表面”,游戏会崩溃并返回桌面的问题
- 修复了在开发者模式下从“增添物品”菜单放置任何卡车时,游戏会崩溃并返回桌面的问题
- 修复了加载存档时,如果存档中含有损坏的大路小路衔接处,游戏会崩溃并返回桌面的问题
- 修复了加载地图时,如果地图中含有用编辑器制作的垃圾填埋场场地,游戏会崩溃并返回桌面的问题
- 修复了制图成就
- 修复了特定情况下服务车辆无法顺利抵达目标地点的车辆派遣问题。涉及的车辆有垃圾车、(建筑物用)邮政车、巡逻警车和道路养护车
- 修复了病患位置靠近停车场时,病患会被传送到救护车上的问题
- 修复了吸附在现存道路上的道路工具可能会随机移到错误位置的问题
- 修复了铲平车站或邮箱时,如果该位置有不同尺寸道路相连,分区电网会不再对齐的问题
- 修复了可升级建筑物的城市服务保养道具重复的问题
- 修复了同一时刻有多辆火车生成和抵达时,火车会卡在火车场站的问题
- 修复了水力发电厂被推平后,还会有部分留在地图上的问题
- 修复了在玩法选项中选择“重置教程”后,教程任务列表不重置的问题
- 修改教程悬浮卡片高度上限,防止与底部工具栏重叠
- 修复了防灾信息视图上被摧毁建筑物缺少颜色的问题
- 修复了加载存档后(暂停模式下或加载后立刻)第一次激活信息视图时,最初几帧中服务覆盖范围会全部显示为红色的问题
- 修复了光标悬停在线路上方时,线路颜色变化不可见的问题
- 修复了光标悬停在火情瞭望塔上时显示错误范围的问题
- 修复了鼠标工具选项工具提示不支持处理大量选项或较小分辨率/UI缩放比例的问题
- 修复了非默认用户界面风格下的界面/面板透明度
- 修复了使用手柄和虚拟键盘修改名字后无法保存的问题
- 菜单通知缩略图将保持纵横比,并覆盖该方形面积,超框内容会去除
- 修复了屏幕分辨率相关的多个问题
- 修复了文本相关的多个问题
- 手柄修复:
- 所有照片模式面板属性允许重置
- 手柄添加了重置属性和捕捉关键帧操作
- 修改手柄导航和焦点样式,使用起来更流畅易懂
- 禁用的编辑器检查器项目可以成为焦点,以解决无法使用手柄查看或滚动某些字段的问题
- 修复了照片模式面板中,可拖动数值不会更新输入标签的问题
- 修复了试图重置无重置回调的属性时,会产生空引用的问题
- 修复了编辑器预览/缩略图选择器、地图保存面板和增加组件菜单的手柄导航。默认成为焦点时,道具选择器不再选择道具
- 修复了使用手柄选择资产时,多种工具的预览不更新的问题
- 修复了手柄操作提示和主菜单子画面重叠的问题
- 修复了手柄无法使用编辑器底部栏滑块的问题
- 修复了手柄无法使用道具选择器页脚滑块的问题
- 修复了手柄滑块的开始数值大于结束数值时,滑块按钮会翻转的问题
- 在工作人员名单中补充了缺失的QLOC团队成员
- 地图增加编辑风的功能
- 增加Paradox创建者配置文件绑定
- 在Paradox面板显示用户头像
- 增加模组加载状态的通知
- 为鼠标刷选项的数字字段添加了文本字段输入支持
- 为铲平工具添加显示工具选项
- 增加模组加载失败时的通知。点击通知,会显示详情,可以打开Paradox Mods的模组页面,或禁用失败的模组
- 设置页面增加“内置”属性
- 模组制作设置分页增加缺失的属性
- 增加了目录选择器
- 模组制作工具链从属模组增加目录选择器,用于选择安装路径
- OptionsUISystem增加了目录浏览器绑定
- 修复了水模拟速度,现在会在关闭编辑器水面板时重置
- 修复了模组制作工具链的文本/图标在文本缩放时无法阅读的问题
- 修复了搜索组件或目录时不显示所有结果的问题,并进行了少量重构和优化
- 修复了在编辑器和游戏之间切换时,笔刷选项不重置的问题
- 修复了编辑器工具选项有时无法在下一个用户界面操作前呈现的问题
- 对于删除了自定义地图的存档,修复了存档地图名字中的可视地点ID
- 手柄修复与优化
- 编辑器工具选项移动到检查器面板页脚,可用手柄操作
- 编辑器增加手柄操作提示
- 激活时,手柄导航仅限于编辑器面板
- 几处编辑器手柄导航小幅优化
- 几处用户界面模组制作优化
- 地图上传:无网络连接,或用户意外登出时,禁用“提交”按钮
- 地图上传:成功上传后禁用“提交”按钮,防止重复上传同一地图
Paradox Mods
- Paradox SDK更新至1.19版本
- Paradox Mods更新至1.4.1版本
- 新功能
- 新增创建者配置文件和您的配置文件视图
- 支持关注创作者
- 点击ESC键可以关闭模组用户界面
- 增加Ko-fi、Buy me a coffee和Crowdin网站的外部链接
- 在多种视图中,PageUp、PageDown、Home和End键都可以用于滚动屏幕
- 鼠标4键和5键(拇指侧键)可用于逆向和前进导航
- 浏览模组时可以点击作者了
- 模组ID在模组信息中可见,您可以复制ID或模组的完整链接
- 左右箭头可以用于模组相册导航,供查看模组详情
- 输入文本字段会自动聚焦
- 从模组详情返回时,会下拉到之前浏览的位置
- 可以在资源库中将一个模组从所有游戏套件中移除
- 常规改进
- 提升滚动速度
- 重新设计模组详情信息框
- 缩略图在模组详情中可见了
- 重新排列了浏览模组时的图标
- 将资源库中的文本修改得更易懂,今后将显示使用中游戏套件中的模组数量
- 将无内容、未使用游戏套件的文本修改得更易懂
- 小幅修改模态框设计
- 无法获取讨论内容只会显示toast消息提示框,而不是错误模态框
- 更新了部分翻译
- 重新设计了“精选”目录下的聚光灯效果,将其改小
- PC端浏览模组时每行显示数量从4增加为5
- 将使用模组版本号替换数字版本号(如果有的话)
- 精选模组可以订阅,并显示点赞数
- 修改精选模组的浏览全部按钮,使其更易懂
- 模组信息中显示最后更新
- 模组信息中显示创建的时间戳
- Bug修复
- 用户移除的模组现在会正确标注为移除
- 修复了离线模式下的一些崩溃问题
- 修复了切入/切出浏览器视图时,搜索字段会闪烁的问题
- 修复了在浏览器往回滚动时未将上一个点击的模组置于中心位置的问题
- 修复了部分语种的资源库文本,防止超框太多
- 您可以从城市服务建筑的精选信息面板对建筑物升级项进行更多操作了。
- 所有升级类型都可以从相关城市服务建筑的精选信息面板移除。
- 附属建筑物也可以使用推土机移除。
- 附属建筑物可以移动位置。
- 附属建筑物可以启用/禁用。
- 附属建筑物可以选中。
- 附属建筑物升级项可以放置在距离主建筑一定距离内的任意位置了。
- 更新了城市服务教程。
- 移除城市的政府补贴,让经济更具挑战性,也更透明。
- 经济面板的税收与服务分页改为在里程碑1解锁,生产分页改为在里程碑2解锁。
- 添加了“进口城市服务”城市政策,用于启用/禁止从外部连接进口城市服务。
- 将预算面板中的各项进口服务分开。
- 如果进口城市服务政策未启用,外部连接不会派服务车辆到您的城市。
- 为救护车、灵车、消防车、垃圾车和警车增加进口服务费。费用会随城市人口增长。
- 城市服务变更:
- 提高了小学和中学的入学和毕业概率。
- 未从中学毕业的成年人可以申请就读中学了(概率为1%,可以申请3次)。
- 学生、员工、囚犯、住户和无家可归者会被纳入垃圾积累量的统计。
- 优化垃圾处理城市服务升级项的平衡性。
- 建筑物支付的垃圾清运费用改为固定数额,而非基于垃圾量。
- 调整了垃圾积累数值。
- 调整了多数城市服务建筑的维护费用。
- 城市服务员工的薪水从玩家金钱中扣取。
- 提高进口电力的费用。
- 救护车和灵车的通知需要过更久才会出现。
- 根据效率和消耗量调整了服务费曲线。
- 调整了供水服务费用(使用旧存档情况下,游戏会强制将数值改为新的默认数值)。
- 增加以下设施的员工数量
- 诊所
- 小型燃煤发电厂
- 警察局
- 公墓
- 消防队
- 垃圾填埋场
- 需求变更:
- 住宅密度取决于每户人家的经济状况和人数。
- 每户人家的生成取决于平均市民幸福度,无家可归人群数量、税收、学校空缺名额和可用工作岗位。
- 贸易公司的生成取决于居民需求,降低同一公司在城市中重复生成的概率。
- 调整了商业和工业需求,避免新生成的公司出现“顾客不足”怨言。
- 增加税收对需求的影响。
- 就业变更:
- 来自外部连接的劳动者不再缴税。
- 人口和工作单位的信息视图不计算来自外部连接的劳动者。
- 来自外部连接的劳动者会更频繁地寻找新工作。
- 外部连接的工作单位不如市内的工作单位有吸引力。
- 只有没有健康问题(诸如生病或受伤等)的市民才算是可供雇用的市民。
- 市民不能无期限领取失业补助。期限结束后,他们会抱怨“租金过高”并搬走。
- 修复了人口、工作与劳动者数量的问题。
- 家庭与幸福度变更:
- 不含成年人的家庭会搬走。
- 富有家庭倾向于选择高吸引力街区(土地价值更高,服务覆盖范围更优等等)的宽敞住处,而较贫穷的家庭则倾向于选择更便宜的住处,且不介意附近没有服务。
- 每家每户的需求计算基于可支配资金(付完租金后剩余的金钱),所以其消费会更合理。
- 减少搬入城市的老年市民数量。
- 将财富对幸福度的影响调整得更合理。
- 低幸福度会影响每家每户搬离城市的概率。
- 家庭在计算可支配资金时会考虑垃圾清运费用。
- 生产与公司变更:
- 调整了以下内容的数值:
- 资源生产。
- 资源价格。
- 家庭工资。
- 税收收入。
- 现在资源价格由两部分组成:工业公司支付的优惠价,以及贸易公司的服务价。顾客(每家每户)支付两种价格相加后的全额。
- 将加工单位资源所需的劳动力数量改为预设数量,而非在游戏开始时自动计算。
- 如果公司在当前选址无法盈利,公司就会破产,而不是试图搬到别处。
- 将工业制造空间乘数从1改为5,以便单位建筑物内容纳更多劳动者,从而减少所需建筑物数量。
- 调整了办公室职员数量。
- 调整了生产单位产品所需的劳动量,从而减少城市收入。
- 调整了模拟服务价格。
- 优化公司,除了破产以外,税率和劳动力也是可能导致公司搬走的因素。
- 重新平衡资源开采量,大幅降低盈利能力。
- 重新平衡工业和办公企业默认的产出量,每个单间最大员工数量,资源初始价格,和单位产品所需劳动量。提高工业区和办公区的空间乘数。
- 调整了以下内容的数值:
- Rent and Building Level changes:
- Removed the virtual landlord so building upkeep is now paid equally by all renters.
- Added new rent calculation: Rent = (LandValue + (ZoneType * Building Level)) * LotSize * SpaceMultiplier.
- Tweaked “High Rent” notifications to be based on the household’s income. Even if they currently don’t have enough money in their balance, they won’t complain and will instead spend less money on resource consumption.
- Building level is now based on whether renters can pay the upkeep fee. When they pay the full fee, the building condition increases by a constant amount, if they cannot pay it, the building condition decreases by the same amount.
- Crime rate adjustments:
- Fixed police service coverage for zoneable assets. The police station will patrol regularly to decrease the crime rate, and all zone type buildings will increase crime rate depending on the police service coverage.
- NA and EU PoliceVehicle02 Crime Reduction value changed to match the NA and EU policevehicle01 value.
- Removed crime scene pathfinding limitation of building's crime rate to avoid all criminals having the same pathfinding result to queue up to do crime.
- Added new crime factor to lower crime probability in cities with larger populations.
- Lower crime recurrence probability due to criminals needing to wait a long while to remove criminal tag.
- Increased the cost of purchasing Map Tiles.
- Added upkeep fee for new map tiles
- The 9 starting are excluded and do not have have map tile upkeep fee
- Added option to “Unlock all map tiles” (also disables achievements and the tile upkeep cost)
- Increased construction cost and upkeep costs for roads.
- Moved upkeep breakdown from Tooltip to Selected info panel.
- Reduced the amount of money the player gets back from bulldozing roads and buildings.
- Adjusted the max shopping amount of the household from 4000 to 2000.
- Adjusted Specialized Industry Unlocking to start from milestone 0.
- Fixed taxes being collected after bulldozing the entire City.
- Fixed Citizen Wealth Infoview not highlighting households with 'Wretched' wealth level.
- Fixed the wrong moving away statistic data being displayed.
- Fixed a newly spawned company complaining about a lack of workers.
- Fixed commercial zones incur massive amounts of debt for the citizens.
- Fixed refund inconsistencies when replacing roads and stops.
- Fixed high death possibility issue:
- Fire accidents now will only cause 1% death compared to the previous 50% death of an on fire medium/high density building.
- The building's destruction event will now cause 50% death compared to previous 90% death of citizens who are still in it.
- Fixed Outside Connection workers won't find a job.
- Fixed trade cost divided by zero bug.
- Updated mod publisher to use auto login from Paradox SDK.
- Updated Paradox Mods to Version 1.5.2
- Added new feature: Mod details will now show what dependencies are installed and if any are missing
- Improvement: When started, it will now try to go online again if being offline before
- Improvement: Change the close X hover effect when using a gamepad
- Improvement: Improve text on empty state when on library or playset details when offline
- Fix: Offline mode will now start with your active playset
- Fixed double back click from following creators view
- Fixed broken bumper navigation when offline and using a gamepad
- Fixed gamepad legend when offline on library or playset details
- Fix: Pressing the B button on a gamepad will now close the Sync modal
- Fixed a warning with font weights
- Fixed a warning with height not being set correctly in scrollbars
- Added support for custom units for sliders used in mod settings
- Added support for keybindings for mods:
- Mods can introduce their own input action which are integrated into the game input system.
- Added key binding field to the automatic option which allows mods to provide key rebinding for their actions.
- Added built-in conflict detection between the game bindings and mods bindings based on action usage.
- Added warning sign next to each binding which has conflicts.
- Added main menu notification if a mod has a key binding conflict.
- Added support for 3 different types of actions: press (1 button), axis (negative and positive button), vector (up, down, left, right buttons)
- Added the ability to set separate keyboard key and gamepad button for one action.
- Added the ability to use built-in and write custom processors and interactions for actions.
- Fixed issue where downloading a certain number of mods in a specific way resulted in a crash to desktop.
- Fixed a bug where SettingsUISetterAttribute could not use private methods and properties
- Fixed installing notification getting stuck when downloading a mod failed.
- Updated notification texts.
- Updated "mod loading error" dialog to show the error.
- Fixed issue with mods not loading if playset was changed using the web version or there are mod updates.
- Fixed some cases when mods are not loaded or "enabled code mods are changed" notification does not appear.
- Fixed "mod page" and "disable" buttons being visible on mod loading error message box with local mods.
- Fixed endless "mod loading..." notification if mods failed to load.
- Fixed Unity installation not being found if the game is running on a different account than the one who installed Unity
- Fixed issue where modding toolchain install/uninstall warning dialog overflows when the list of dependencies is long by making the panel scrollable
- UI performance optimizations for the economy panel.
- Other UI performance optimizations with audio bindings, rendering, cursors, and updating panels.
- Performance optimization for Chirper panel.
- Optimizations for particle effects.
- Optimizations for audio memory usage.
- Optimized placement to improve FPS when placing complex buildings or roads.
- Fixed job-finding performance issue when there were no available workplaces and no employable workers, causing endless job pathfinding queries which heavily affect the performance.
Fixes & improvements
- Unity update 2022.3.29f1
- Fixed a crash to desktop when using the quick load function while relocating and rotating a building.
- Fixed a crash to desktop after deleting Train Station with a broken Subway connection and trying to place new subway tracks.
- Fixed crash to desktop in SetupFindHomeJob
- Fixed crash to desktop caused by removed renter.
- Fixed crash to desktop when resizing oil extractor area so that some pumps get deleted
- Improved likelihood of household members traveling together as a group.
- Improved hue, saturation, and randomness values of tree leaves.
- Improved collision radius for BirchTree, PineTree, and SpruceTree to better match the visual empty space. The bushes etc. can now be propped closer to the trees.
- Improved citizens and delivery vehicles pathfinding to take building construction time and path duration into account to avoid arriving at construction sites.
- Ambulances transport some patients in emergency mode (randomized with health level).
- Lowered building fire spreading probability to other buildings.
- Changed default glass material from tinted brown to non-tinted.
- Updated EU and NA theme icons.
- Improved wealth info view color and citizen wealth state parameters.
- Fixed wealth info view color not matching household wealth, changed it from household member based wealth to household based wealth.
- Improved Airport development tree node icon.
- Adjusted XP values for low construction cost building.
- Fixed depots so trains/subway can now only drive through them by using dedicated by-pass track (the track without “No Track Connection”).
- Fixed Several Signature Buildings don't get occupied (must be rebuilt for the fix to take effect)
- Changed signature building info view color priority higher in RCIO infoviews
- Fixed Ludo Square and Cane Residences signature building bonuses to be more consistent.
- Fixed issue with some settings not getting saved.
- Fixed achievements progression on saves that have used mods not being disabled.
- Fixed specialized industry main building missing.
- Fixed Forestry and Ore Industrial Storage yard props not showing.
- Fixed farming extraction area color so it’s visible on fertile land with the info view open.
- Fixed crematorium sub-building car access when snapped to the main building. Main building or sub-building(s) need to be moved/replopped for this to take effect.
- Fixed specific situation causing taxis from Outside Connections to get stuck for a long while.
- Fixed wrong passenger count/capacity displayed for personal cars that have a trailer attached.
- Fixed driver not included in passenger count and capacity for personal vehicles.
- Fixed vehicles driving through parking facilities or transport stations without intending to use their services.
- Fixed citizens parking their cars at public transport stations without the intention to board a transport line there.
- Fixed traffic jams occurring inside Parking buildings.
- Fixed airplanes driving through the runway without landing at the airport.
- Fixed issue where fire engines are unable to react to and extinguish the additional buildings from the specialized industry areas
- Fixed Garbage Trucks collecting garbage outside their operating district if their way goes through different district.
- Fixed resource piles on spawnable storage yards not instantly updating when delivery truck unloads cargo.
- Fixed trucks keep going back and forth between commercial and industry.
- Fixed commercial companies accidentally exporting goods to other companies.
- Fixed broken pathfinding warning after rebuilding destroyed service building that has extension upgrades.
- Fixed mail getting stuck due to heavy traffic at the cargo terminal by adding a trip needed buffer amount as another cost in resource trade pathfinding.
- Added a penalty for resource pathfinding when the cargo station has more requests or sent out most of the vehicles.
- Fixed Water Tower’s viewing upgrade not providing entertainment.
- Fixed Hospitals and Clinics not refilling their pharmaceuticals storage
- Fixed cargo train terminal left and back paths not connecting to roads too
- Fixed City Policies not clearing properly and carrying over between different save game loads
- Fixed The Deep End achievement not unlocking at exactly 200000 loan
- Fixed citizens stopped finding jobs when unemployment was high
- Fixed high unemployment rate issue by adding variety to the citizen education levels when spawning
- Fixed population infoview jobs didn't match workplace info view's data
- Fixed discrepancy in workplace count by excluded the Outside Connection workplaces from population's calculation
- Fixed DateTime overflow error by reducing the max starting year for a map to 3000.
- Fixed floating prop issues with Deuclidia Apartments, Nuclear Power Plant and Technical University.
- Fixed hotel renter deserialization bug causing unknown mayhem for tourist / hotel logic.
- Fixed tourists with "Leaving the city" status not leaving the hotel.
- Fixed Parallel and grid roads misplace connected road lane.
- Fixed Roundabouts disappear when connecting roads at a certain angle.
- Fixed track slope causing tight curve warning / no connection when built a certain way.
- Fixed connection notifications with buildings over a train truck tunnel.
- Fixed net-tool replace mode is enabled when no compatible assets exist.
- Fixed destroyed buildings still create Noise Pollution.
- Fixed 'No Pedestrian Access' warning appearing for Medical University after adding Extension Wing upgrade
- Fixed issue where the cost of purchasing multiple map tiles varied depending on the order in which the map tiles were selected
- Fixed workplace links in citizen Selected Info Panel not working when the workplace was a service building.
- Fixed screen resolution set in the launcher right after the game launch not being applied.
- Fixed all overlay shaders broken when using dynamic resolution scaling.
- Fixed minor inconsistencies with infoview coloring for cables/pipes/lot for buildings under construction, destroyed or otherwise without mesh.
- Added secondary infoview background color so that roads don't disappear on terrain.
- Improved RCIO tax statistic colors to correspond zone colors
- Removed car paths and parking on NA_MixedRight01_L1_4x6 (and L2) and NA_MixedLeft01_L1_4x6 (and L2) to prevent pathfinding fails due to how the buildings can spawn
- Several improvements and fixes for controllers:
- Added more controller hints.
- Improved options navigation with controller so that moving between page content and search is consistent when tabs or advanced options are visible
- Improved multiline text to be focusable so that scrollable panel can scroll to it while using a controller
- Fixed navigating with the controller over an upkeep section required multiple up/down presses on the controller.
- Fixed options menu controller navigation issues when "Show advanced" toggle is present.
- Fixed not all locked toolbar items were focusable with the controller making it impossible to see the conditions to unlock a given feature.
- Fixed requirement tooltips for placing a building not updating properly when moving the building with a controller
- Fixed an issue with controller that it was impossible to scroll to the end of the building info panel list if the building did not have any upgrades
- Fixed tooltips not rendering properly on top of the controller hints.
- Fixed issue with opening mods UI profile page with gamepad
- Fixed issue where names of tabs inside the City Services panel cannot be accessed when using a controller
- Fixed building effects not rendering correctly in the UI.
- Fixed a bug where placing a road could cause tooltips to jump between their target positions
- Fixed building effects when viewing detail tooltip where placing a building could overlap with building icon
- Fixed options slider field slider position not updating properly if its value was changed outside of the options menu - ie. changing radio volume in radio panel
- Fixed issue where closing citizen lifepath detail view the list would not re-focus on the last focused entry
- Several fixes for UI interface scaling when using bigger text size.
- Fixed UI disappearing on some tutorial step transitions.
- Fixed UI disappearing on closing signature building unlock dialog.
- Fixed options description not changing after scrolling certain dropdown lists.
- Fixed loading warning popup staying on top of the frozen/busy state of loading screen and not fading out.
- Fixed non-centered error message in Paradox Account -panel.
- Fixed Paradox account link button overflowing in various languages.
- Fixed Economy budget panel overlapping text in some languages.
- Fixed tooltips rendering outside of the screen.
- Fixed edge case of quitting the main menu or starting a new game by opening the pause menu from the button in the upper-right corner while using map tiles view.
- Rebalanced all citizen audio volumes.
- Fixed cemetery sounds not playing.
- Fixed audio source position that was not correctly set for multiple assets:
- Fixed sounds of Residential Signature Buildings play even if buildings are not functional
- Fixed sound effect of navigating through the Main Menu is almost inaudible
- Fixed Overground Parking's upgrade does not add new sounds
- Keybinding:
- Block all actions while listening for key press when the rebinding process is ongoing.
- Added the ability to reset key binding to the default.
- Added controller button icons to key binding options.
- Added support for rebinding some specific tool actions and camera rotation
- Added batch rebinding option which allows changing multiple keybinds without receiving the "cannot be rebound" error
- Fixed controller hint when two direction action has bindings when one direction has binding with modifier and another one without modifier.
- Added auto-detect for keyboard layout. Keybinds are converted to the current layout and keep their physical location (for example, WASD key bindings on French keyboard will be shown as ZQSD). It converts only Latin-based layouts, while US international layout is used for other non-Latin-based layouts.
- Fixed building Selected Info Panel not opening when the Info Panel option is assigned to the Right Mouse button and disallowed the same key being set for Info Panel and Cancel actions.
Known issues
- Medical clinics not refilling their pharmaceutical storage is fixed, but with old saves you might need to wait longer to see it to recover because the resource could become negative. As a workaround, you can destroy and rebuild the building.
- With old saves, the water budget is reset to the default 100% value.
- Existing saves may experience a death wave if they have a lot of senior citizens, however, we’ve made changes to avoid these in the future.
- Modding: Modifiers are currently not applied to the default values of mod keybinds.
Patch 1.1.6f1 (also known as Detailer's Patch #1) is a patch released on 2024-07-03[5].
New Content
- Zoneable Roundabouts
- 8 New Roundabout Decorations
- Age Selector Added To The Tree Placement Tool
- Surface Tool
- 2 Concrete Surfaces
- 2 Grass Surfaces
- 2 Pavement Surfaces
- 2 Sand Surfaces
- 3 Tile Surfaces
- 27 New Service Building Variations
- New Small Water Tower
- New Small Medical Clinic
- New Urban Fire Station
- 4 New Education Buildings
- 2 New Police Stations
- New Small Post Office
- 6 New Public Transportation Buildings
- 5 New City Parks
- 6 New Parking Lots
- 4 New Vehicles
- New North American Garbage Truck
- New North American Snowplow
- New North American Passenger Train
- New European Cargo Train Engine
Gameplay Fixes
- Fixed offices downscaling their amount of workers until they only have 5/5 workers.
- Fixed industrial company worker max amount not updating correctly.
- Fixed Reliable Mail Service happiness factor affecting citizen happiness even without any Post Service Buildings.
- Fixed wages being doubled when service buildings are upgraded, causing too high service costs
- Fixed the UI upkeep section calculated the wages two times if the building has upgrade building
- Fixed flooding near the building when relocating the Advanced Water Pumping Station.
- Fixed evacuation bus and prison van passengers being counted in public transport stats.
- Fixed some citizens remaining teens for their whole life.
- Fixed virtual office products like Financial and Software trading not working between companies.
- Fixed the missing audio effect from the Geothermal Power Plant.
- Fixed company profitability not considering that the storage is full.
- Fixed resource seller pathfinding not working when companies try to find office products.
- Improved storage of virtual products produced by office companies to be limited to 100000, the same as the physical product storage limit. Office companies will now stop producing if the output products reach 100000 in storage.
- Improved pollution decay over time on water.
- Increased Noise and Air Pollution coming from Highways.
- Removed Noise Pollution from Solar Power Plant.
- Added workplaces for Small Parking Lots.
- Added air pollution reduction to the Landfill Waste Recycling Unit.
- Balanced Well-being and Park stats of Elementary School Playground, High School Sports Field and University Park
- Elementary School Playground and University Park Upgrades now require the Large Parks node to be unlocked. High School Sports Field now requires the Large Sports Parks node to be unlocked.
- Fixed building Selected Info Panel always opening upgrades options dropdown to the left to not overlap with section tooltips
- Fixed broken label rendering in some economy/production details panel
- Fixed intro tutorials (movement, rotation) would sometimes have glitchy text rendering
- New translations added
UI Fixes
- Added navigation option to take into consideration size of items to fix a bug when small buttons in settings can not be selected as next item is considered 'closer' then button.
- Added controller action (LS Press + Y) to toggle advanced options.
- Added controller actions to search in options and clear search.
- Added switch option section action
- Added controller Right Stick Press as a modifier to give mods more options for binding. Actions that used Right Stick Press are rebound:
- Continue tutorial to RPress + DPad/Right
- Previous tutorial to RPress + DPad/Left
- Focus task list to Rpress + Dpad/Up
- Focus task advisor to Rpress + Dpad/Up
- Added scroll hint to panels with scroll
- Added icons for mouse actions in tutorials
- Store which item was focused before search was activated and restore focus on it when search exit.
- Select the first option in the list when a tab is switched.
- Shrink option tab header to fit more tab buttons.
- Show conflicts for built-in actions which can appear if the player changed keybinds and we added a new action that uses the same keybinds.
- Improved multiline text option to use theme color.
- Improved key binding conflict tooltip.
- Improved tutorial balloon orientation in the electricity tutorial and water tutorial.
- Fixed tutorial about Info Views panel does not appear after opening it for the first time.
- Fixed money (and population) field tooltip trend style not updating correctly.
- Fixed some building upgrades’ bonuses not being displayed in the building’s Selected info panel.
- Fixed the color of the transportation vehicle that is no longer a part of the transportation line only changing when the mouse hovered over it.
- Fixed Line Color selection window may move off-screen, if the Player opens it while having at least 11 created Transportation Lines.
- Fixed the Milestones tab and pop-up showing an incorrect pool of development points that the player should receive during milestone 20.
- Fixed Info Views panel not opening after placing Unique building.
- Fixed already built and locked signature/unique buildings not being greyed-out and unique buildings that were built or are locked showing not enough money badge.
- Fixed missing space in passenger and cargo count in Route or Line details Selected Info Panel.
- Fixed scrolling through City Information showing incorrect descriptions in some cases.
- Fixed map tile purchase bird’s eye view in unlock all tiles mode.
- Fixed part of the User Interface being invisible if the Player opens it via City Services or Info Views.
- Fixed opening the "Upgrades" panel of another building of the same type may prevent the construction of an upgrade adjacent directly to the building.
- Fixed the Chirper panel not being fully scrollable with a controller.
- Fixed a longer list of households not being fully scrollable with a controller.
- Fixed option search field position while using controller.
- Fixed a bug when controller focus jumps over narrow items (like buttons) in options.
- Fixed a bug when tabs appeared without action hint and the hint appears within a few frames causing a visual glitch.
- Changed scroll action buttons from dpad up/down to right stick up/down to be able use it together with navigation action
- Fixed navigation action hints
Modding Changes
- Added the ability to set keyboard modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl) to mouse actions.
- Added the ability for mods to create mouse bindings
- Added formatting support to option description.
- Several improvements to modding toolchain dependencies include a description and icons.
- Streamlined directory picker option for mods to look and behave like any other option types in options. Added the ability to type path.
- Added the ability to read action value as object (can be useful when action type is unknown).
- Added display name override to input actions to easier control what display name should be set to an action in the current moment.
- Environment variable values are updated during Unity Mod Project updating.
- Added message dialog to modding options to show currently set environment variables (only available in developer mode).
- Added scroll handler to error/message dialog.
- Keybinding field can now be disabled.
- Mod controller hints are now shown after built-in controller hints.
- Fixed wrong conflict detection if one binding allows modifiers and another does not.
- Fixed issue where the entire dropdown option field didn’t properly disable when dropdowns had no items.
- Fixed copy button on dialog with details.
- Fixed an issue when clicking "key binding conflict" notification does not open mod settings in-game pause menu.
- Fixed a bug with updating the modding toolchain state to 'not installed' even when the player rejected uninstallation.
- Fixed a bug when mod key binding was changed during the conflict resolution process, this changed key was not saved in a mod settings file.
- Fixed a bug with auto-activation manually disabled input actions
- Hide option group automatically if all its items are hidden
- Use custom BindingButton and BindingKey instead of default GamepadButton and Key to provide additional controller
- Escape markdown symbols when error text is copied
- Store key modifiers in the same order everywhere so that it does not lead false positive detection of key rebinding when settings is saved/loaded
- Do not set keybinding value to a setting property in case it was not actually updated in input manager
- Fixed error when key binding has conflicts and user is trying to bind the same key
- Fixed mod key binding value is not updated in UI in certain cases
- Made a few key binding things public for modding purposes
- Fixed false positive detection of binding changed while setting a new value
Paradox Mods
- Updated to version 1.6.0
- Switched to pagination in browse view from infinite scroll when using mouse and keyboard
- Added support for subscribe to all missing dependencies when on mod details view
- Bug fix: Prevent multiple unsubscribe clicks on the same mod
Known Issues
The Small Post Office doesn’t receive incoming mail to distribute in the city.
Office companies recover from the 5/5 worker count slowly, provided they’re able to make a profit in the city.
Office companies may not leave the city as they should when their building is removed. If you’re still seeing offices stuck at 5/5 workers or continuously losing workers, they are likely stuck in the city. You can force them out using this workaround:
- Increase office tax to 30%
- Let the simulation run until all office buildings are empty, which may take about a month in-game time. You can see empty office buildings (shown as grey) in the Profitability Info View, or check when you no longer receive any tax income from offices.
- Once all office companies have left your city, set the tax back to your preferred level.
- New office companies will start to populate your city.
- Please note: You will likely not see any office demand for a while as you have many empty office buildings. This is completely normal. Office demand will return with time as the existing buildings fill up.
As an alternative that preserves the office demand, you can do the following:
- Remove all office zoning in your city.
- Let the simulation run until you have 0 tax income from offices.
- Zone offices again where you want them.
- 优化了邮政局,使其可以接收不同规模的邮件批次。另外,送货车可以运送邮件。
- 调整了邮政局02和相关升级项的水电消耗量、容量、建造成本和维护费用。
- 补上了天线杆的无线网络天线升级项缺失的图标。
- ↑ Forum: Modding Wavelet - Patch 1.1.0f1 - co_avanya (Community Manager at Colossal Order), 2024-03-25.
- ↑ Forum: Patch Notes for patch 1.1.1f1 - hotfix, 2024-04-02
- ↑ Forum: Patch Notes 1.1.2f1, 2024-04-25
- ↑ Forum: Patch Notes 1.1.5f1, 2024-06-24
- ↑ Forum: Detailer's Patch #1 - Patch 1.1.6f1, 2024-07-03
- ↑ Forum: Patch Notes 1.1.7f1 - Hotfix, 2024-07-04