海拔調整工具 - 使用鼠標左鍵升高,右鍵降低。
地面平整工具 - 點擊鼠標右鍵選擇目標高度,左鍵將所劃區域調整至目標高度。
地形平滑工具 - 使用鼠標左鍵,使範圍內的崎嶇地形變緩。
斜坡生成工具 - 用鼠標左鍵點擊斜坡所在區域的一端。單機鼠標右鍵並從另一端向前述點拖動,以創建坡度。
進行地形改造時,刷子的大小在 10 (相當於7/8分區格子)到 1000 之間。刷子強度在 1% 到 100% 之間。
與分區類似,植被分為歐洲和北美兩個主題的形態。每片植被既可以一株一株擺放,也可以通過行列、弧線擺放,或使用與地形改造類似的刷子。擺放的每株植物花費 ₡10。種下的植株會隨時間生長。
Pathways are narrow tracks which citizens will use in combination with roadside sidewalks and crosswalks to reach destinations on foot.
Paths are placed using the same tools as roads. They can be elevated, allowing players to construct footbridges over major roads as well as other, more elaborate pedestrian systems. Cut, fill, and tunnel paths can also be built.
There are three special pedestrian path bridge designs that can be built in addition to generic elevated paths. The designs are a cable-stayed bridge, a tied-arch bridge, and a modern covered bridge.
Citizens are prepared to walk surprisingly long distances to their destinations, and an investment in footpath infrastructure can relieve a considerable burden from a city's roads. Citizens will also walk parts of journeys that also involve other transport methods. If a road dead-ends and there is another road nearby, it can be helpful to link the dead-end to the other road with a pedestrian path to allow citizens on foot an easy way out.