
(重新導向自Service buildings

Service buildings



Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Post vans Post trucks Mail storage capacity Mailbox capacity Sorting speed
Post Office 的圖標
Post Office
Handles local incoming and outgoing mail. Post vans and trucks pick up mail from mailboxes around the city. Citizens can also drop off their mail directly at the office. Can be upgraded with an extra garage and a storage extension.
10×8 ₡250.0K ₡45.0K 500 20 0 100000 500
Post Office Post Van Garage 的圖標
Post Office Post Van Garage
Increased space to house more post vans.
7×6 ₡22.5K ₡6.0K 100 10 0 0 0
Post Office Mail Storage Extension 的圖標
Post Office Mail Storage Extension
Extended storage space helps store more mail.
6×4 ₡15.0K ₡5.0K 100 0 0 25000 0
Post Sorting Facility 的圖標
Post Sorting Facility
Processes and stores both local and intercity mail. Mail going to and coming from outside the city is carried by high capacity post trucks, which helps reduce mail related traffic on the roads. Can be upgraded with extra loading ramps, a storage extension and automated sorting systems.
28×28 ₡650.0K ₡80.0K 1000 0 5 500000 0 50000 / month
Post Sorting Facility Automated Sorting 的圖標
Post Sorting Facility Automated Sorting
Mail is sorted more accurately, so trucks only carry the essential items for each run. Results in increased sorting speed.
₡45.0K ₡10.0K 200 0 0 0 0 25000 / month
Post Sorting Facility Mail Storage Extension 的圖標
Post Sorting Facility Mail Storage Extension
Extended storage space helps store more mail.
17×11 ₡30.0K ₡10.0K 200 0 0 250000 0
Post Sorting Facility Extra Loading Ramps 的圖標
Post Sorting Facility Extra Loading Ramps
Increased space allows for more mail trucks to run.
₡30.0K ₡10.0K 200 0 5 0 0
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Post Office 2000.0 15000.0 2.0 Noise pollution 5000 500 100 50 12 Educated 25% 20%
Post Office Post Van Garage Noise pollution 2500 350 20 25 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Post Office Mail Storage Extension Noise pollution 2500 350 20 10 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Post Sorting Facility Noise pollution 20000 8000 500 75 20 Educated 30% 10%
Post Sorting Facility Automated Sorting 4000 50 10 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Post Sorting Facility Mail Storage Extension Noise pollution 5000 1500 0 10 0 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Post Sorting Facility Extra Loading Ramps Noise pollution 5000 0 50 5 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects Range Network Capacity Penetrate Terrain
Radio Mast 的圖標
Radio Mast
Transmits mobile data, radio traffic and TV signals. In case of emergencies, the masts are used to broadcast an alarm which allows citizens to react to the event more rapidly. Can be upgraded with a wireless network antenna and increased bandwidth.
4×3 ₡13.6K ₡5.0K 100 1 km 3000 GBit / s False
Radio Mast Bandwidth Increase 的圖標
Radio Mast Bandwidth Increase
Enhances the network significantly and allows it to handle much more traffic.
₡8.1K ₡3.0K 20 0 m 1500 GBit / s False
Radio Mast Wireless Network Antenna 的圖標
Radio Mast Wireless Network Antenna
An antenna extension that increases the network coverage area of the mast.
₡4.08K ₡1.5K 20 250 m 0 GBit / s False
Server Farm 的圖標
Server Farm
Rows and banks of raw computing power provide immense resources to handle network traffic. Can be upgraded with fiber optic cables and advanced computers.
24×18 ₡300.0K ₡50.0K 500 2.5 km 20000 GBit / s True
Server Farm Fiber Optic Cable 的圖標
Server Farm Fiber Optic Cable
Increases the coverage area of the server farm.
₡26.4K ₡10.0K 100 500 m 0 GBit / s False
Server Farm Server Upgrade 的圖標
Server Farm Server Upgrade
State-of-the-art machines with high computing power remarkably increase network capacity.
₡60.0K ₡20.0K 100 0 m 10000 GBit / s False
Telecom Tower 的圖標
Telecom Tower
The center for media broadcasts, telecommunications and long range cellular networks. Also houses local media headquarters. Increases entertainment citywide and attracts tourists.
7×7 ₡1000.0K ₡95.0K 2000 5 km 15000 GBit / s False
Satellite Uplink 的圖標
Satellite Uplink
Transmits all sorts of data globally. Information and entertainment can be sent to and received from the other side of the world. Increases the capacity of the network and increases entertainment in the whole city.
7×4 ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000
  • Leisure.png +50 Entertainment (city-wide)
  • Telecom.png +20% Network Capacity (city-wide)
  • Tourism.png +10% Attractiveness (city-wide)
0 m 0 GBit / s True
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Radio Mast Noise pollution 2500 2500 0 0 1 Poorly educated 25% 25%
Radio Mast Bandwidth Increase 1500 0 0
Radio Mast Wireless Network Antenna 1500 0 0
Server Farm Noise pollution 20000 20000 10000 25 10 Well educated 25% 12.5%
Server Farm Fiber Optic Cable 10000 0 0
Server Farm Server Upgrade 10000 500 0 3 Well educated 0% 0%
Telecom Tower Noise pollution 10000 5000 250 0 10 Highly educated 25% 15%
Satellite Uplink Noise pollution 5000 5000 500 25 10 Highly educated 25% 12.5%

Education & Research


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Attractiveness Effects Has companies Student capacity Level graduationModifier Patient capacity treatmentBonus Max health treatDiseases treatInjuries Leisure
Elementary School 的圖標
Elementary School
A place of basic education for children. Provides the first level of education. Can be upgraded with an extension wing, a children's clinic, and a playground.
18×8 ₡100.0K ₡25.0K 300 1000 Elementary School 0.0
Elementary School Childrens Clinic 的圖標
Elementary School Childrens Clinic
An attached clinic that helps children recover from injuries.
6×8 ₡24.0K ₡10.0K 60 Healthcare.png +5% Health for Clients
Elementary School Extension Wing 的圖標
Elementary School Extension Wing
More space for more pupils.
₡22.5K ₡10.0K 60 500 Elementary School 0.0
Elementary School Playground 的圖標
Elementary School Playground
The activities provided by the playground bring increased well-being to citizens.
6×4 ₡24.0K ₡5.0K 60
  • WellBeing.png +10% Well-Being within 300 m
  • WellBeing.png +5% Well-Being for Clients
High School 的圖標
High School
A school for teenagers. Provides the second level of education. Can be upgraded with an extension wing, a sports field, and a library.
22×16 ₡300.0K ₡45.0K 500 800 High School 0.0
High School Extension Wing 的圖標
High School Extension Wing
The school is enlarged to make room for more students.
₡130.0K ₡20.0K 100 400 High School 0.0
High School Library 的圖標
High School Library
The library, with its extended selection of textbooks, provides students with better chances of graduating.
₡85.0K ₡20.0K 100 0 High School 0.1
High School Sports Field 的圖標
High School Sports Field
The perfect place for students and surrounding citizens to improve on their health.
26×20 ₡56.0K ₡15.0K 100 Tourism.png 25 True +40 Outdoor Recreation
College 的圖標
The first step towards higher education for teens and adults alike. Provides the third level of education. Can be upgraded with an extension wing, and a library.
22×16 ₡750.0K ₡150.0K 1000 1000 College 0.0
College Extension Wing 的圖標
College Extension Wing
Provides further room for even more eager learners.
₡300.0K ₡55.0K 200 500 College 0.0
College Library 的圖標
College Library
The library, with its extended selection of textbooks, provides students with better chances of graduating.
10×8 ₡245.0K ₡50.0K 200 0 College 0.15
University 的圖標
A massive complex that offers education for academically oriented citizens. Provides the fourth level of education. Can be upgraded with an extension wing, a library, and a park.
40×28 ₡1.5M ₡200.0K 2000 2000 University 0.0
University Library 的圖標
University Library
A huge library that stores vast amounts of knowledge and thus increases the students' chances of graduating.
12×12 ₡250.0K ₡95.0K 400 0 University 0.15
University Extension Wing 的圖標
University Extension Wing
An extension to the facilities that houses even more classrooms and lecture halls.
₡375.0K ₡75.0K 400 500 University 0.0
University Park 的圖標
University Park
A park that grants nearby citizens both increased well-being as well as health.
18×18 ₡50.0K ₡40.0K 400 Tourism.png 10 +20 Outdoor Recreation
Technical University 的圖標
Technical University
Academic learning for the technically oriented. Provides the fourth level of education, and increases the efficiency of offices and industrial companies.Can be upgraded with an extension wing, and a workshop upgrade.
53×38 ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 1500 University 0.0
Technical University Extension Wing 的圖標
Technical University Extension Wing
More room for more students.
₡320.0K ₡115.0K 600 500 University 0.0
Technical University Workshop Upgrade 的圖標
Technical University Workshop Upgrade
Improved practical learning that increases the students' chances of graduating.
₡320.0K ₡100.0K 600 0 University 0.15
Medical University 的圖標
Medical University
Academic schooling for medical professions. Provides the fourth level of education, and increases the efficiency of healthcare service buildings. Can be upgraded with an extension wing, research facilities, and a practice clinic.
62×18 ₡2.4M ₡240.0K 3000
  • Healthcare.png −25% Recovery Failures (city-wide)
  • Healthcare.png +10% Hospital Efficiency (city-wide)
1500 University 0.0
Medical University Research Facilities 的圖標
Medical University Research Facilities
Research work increases the students' chances of graduating.
16×8 ₡480.0K ₡150.0K 600 0 University 0.15
Medical University Extension Wing 的圖標
Medical University Extension Wing
Increased capacity for even more students.
₡480.0K ₡115.0K 600 500 University 0.0
Medical University Practice Clinic 的圖標
Medical University Practice Clinic
Citizens near the university can be treated here and gain a boost to their health.
15×7 ₡480.0K ₡100.0K 600 Healthcare.png +5% Health within 1 km 100 25 100 True True
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Elementary School 3000.0 5000.0 10.0 Noise pollution 7500 1000 1500 200 10 Educated 12.5% 0%
Elementary School Childrens Clinic 500 500 50 4 Educated 0% 0%
Elementary School Extension Wing Noise pollution 2500 750 1000 100 4 Educated 0% 0%
Elementary School Playground Noise pollution 2500 0 0 10
High School Noise pollution 7500 1500 1500 250 12 Educated 12.5% 0%
High School Extension Wing Noise pollution 3500 1250 500 125 4 Educated 0% 0%
High School Library 750 500 75 4 Educated 0% 0%
High School Sports Field Noise pollution 5000 1000 0 0 4 Educated 0% 0%
College Noise pollution 10000 2000 1500 300 32 Well educated 12.5% 0%
College Extension Wing Noise pollution 3500 1750 1000 150 10 Well educated 0% 0%
College Library 1000 500 150 10 Educated 0% 0%
University Noise pollution 10000 3000 3000 400 28 Highly educated 25% 6.25%
University Library 750 500 200 18 Well educated 0% 0%
University Extension Wing Noise pollution 3500 1500 1000 200 10 Highly educated 0% 0%
University Park Noise pollution 2500 0 0 50 10 Educated 0% 0%
Technical University Noise pollution 10000 10000 2500 450 48 Highly educated 25% 12.5%
Technical University Extension Wing Noise pollution 3500 6000 1000 75 16 Highly educated 0% 0%
Technical University Workshop Upgrade Noise pollution 5000 6000 500 75 14 Highly educated 0% 0%
Medical University Noise pollution 10000 8000 2500 500 48 Highly educated 25% 12.5%
Medical University Research Facilities Noise pollution 3500 4000 1000 50 20 Highly educated 0% 0%
Medical University Extension Wing Noise pollution 3500 5000 1000 100 16 Highly educated 0% 0%
Medical University Practice Clinic Noise pollution 3500 5000 500 125 14 Highly educated 0% 0%


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects
Radio Telescope 的圖標
Radio Telescope
An astronomy research facility that increases the citizens' interest in university level education and leads to increased university graduation rates.
8×8 ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000 File:Graduation.png +5 University Graduation Chance (city-wide)
Geological Research Center 的圖標
Geological Research Center
A facility for performing geological research and field studies. Helps discover larger underground deposits of ore and oil.
12×12 ₡2.5M ₡230.0K 3000
  • Resource coal.png +200% Ore Deposits (city-wide)
  • Resource oil.png +200% Oil Deposits (city-wide)
  • File:Graduation.png +3 College Graduation Chance (city-wide)
Large Hadron Collider 的圖標
Large Hadron Collider
A huge particle collider that is used for various physics experiments. Increases citizens' interest in university studies and generates higher demand for electronics and software companies.
54×64 ₡4.0M ₡400.0K 5000
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Radio Telescope 15000 10000 125 24 Highly educated 12.5% 6.25%
Geological Research Center Noise pollution 15000 3500 10000 300 32 Highly educated 12.5% 6.25%
Large Hadron Collider 100000 3500000 100 52 Highly educated 20% 10%


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Goods consumption Electricity production maxWind maxGroundWater Battery capacity activationThreshold
Hydroelectric Power Plant 的圖標
Hydroelectric Power Plant
A dam that spans a river and produces electricity by harnessing the flow of water with turbines.Can be upgraded with advanced turbines.
6×9 ₡1.57M ₡100.0K 2000 varies
Transformer Station 的圖標
Transformer Station
Transforms high voltage currents coming from a power plant to low voltage current usable by buildings.
6×7 ₡30.0K ₡6.0K 100
Wind Turbine 的圖標
Wind Turbine
Rotating blades combined with a turbine generate power from the wind. Power output is dependent on placement and weather conditions, but wind turbines generate no pollution.Can be upgraded with a storage battery, solar panels, and an advanced rotor design.
15×15 ₡25.0K ₡15.0K 100 5 MW 0.4
Wind Turbine Advanced Rotor System 的圖標
Wind Turbine Advanced Rotor System
Upgraded systems allow for a significant increase in power output.
₡15.0K ₡5.0K 20 2.5 MW 0.4
Wind Turbine Battery Extension 的圖標
Wind Turbine Battery Extension
Electricity is stored in massive batteries to be used when winds are low.
₡10.0K ₡2.0K 20 4 MW 10 MWh
Wind Turbine Solar Assisted 的圖標
Wind Turbine Solar Assisted
A solar panel that increases power output during daytime.
₡25.0K ₡3.0K 20 2 MW
Small Coal Power Plant 的圖標
Small Coal Power Plant
A basic power plant that burns coal to produce electricity. Low cost, but generates lots of pollution.
14×16 ₡100.0K ₡10.0K 300 Coal 20000 Coal[1] 20 MW
Gas Power Plant 的圖標
Gas Power Plant
A power plant fueled by natural gas. Larger and more efficient than Coal Power Plants with slightly less pollution. Fairly cost effective to build and maintain, although running costs depend on the price of the fossil fuel.Can be upgraded with an additional turbine, enlarged fuel storage, exhaust filter and an advanced furnace.
27×38 ₡650.0K ₡600.0K 1000 Petrochemicals 1000 Petrochemicals[1] 250 MW
Gas Power Plant Exhaust Filter 的圖標
Gas Power Plant Exhaust Filter
Reduces the air pollution produced by the plant.
₡150.0K ₡100.0K 200
Gas Power Plant Additional Turbine 的圖標
Gas Power Plant Additional Turbine
Provides more power but also uses more fuel.
₡260.0K ₡200.0K 200 Petrochemicals 500 Petrochemicals[1] 100 MW
Gas Power Plant Advanced Furnace 的圖標
Gas Power Plant Advanced Furnace
A more efficient burn process allows the same power output with less fuel.
₡300.0K ₡80.0K 200 Petrochemicals Petrochemicals: ×85%
Gas Power Plant Fuel Storage Extension 的圖標
Gas Power Plant Fuel Storage Extension
Allows for more fuel to be stored at the plant.
9×9 ₡200.0K ₡150.0K 200
Emergency Battery Station 的圖標
Emergency Battery Station
Huge battery banks store electricity that can be used to negate the problems caused by blackouts or energy consumption spikes.Can be upgraded with increased battery capacity and a diesel generator.
22×10 ₡150.0K ₡50.0K 300 200 MW 500 MWh
Emergency Battery Station Additional Battery Bank 的圖標
Emergency Battery Station Additional Battery Bank
Increases the range of the station.
₡75.0K ₡7.5K 60 100 MW 250 MWh
Emergency Battery Station Diesel Generator 的圖標
Emergency Battery Station Diesel Generator
Increases the operational efficiency of the station.
5×4 ₡24.0K ₡8.5K 60 Petrochemicals 500 Petrochemicals[1] {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.1}
Coal Power Plant 的圖標
Coal Power Plant
A power plant that burns coal to produce electricity. Fairly inexpensive to build and maintain, but generates lots of pollution.Can be upgraded with an additional turbine, enlarged coal storage, exhaust filter and an advanced furnace.
50×40 ₡1000.0K ₡150.0K 2000 Coal 150000 Coal[1] 300 MW
Coal Power Plant Exhaust Filter 的圖標
Coal Power Plant Exhaust Filter
Reduces the air pollution produced by the plant.
₡200.0K ₡50.0K 400
Coal Power Plant Additional Turbine Building 的圖標
Coal Power Plant Additional Turbine Building
Provides more power but also uses more fuel.
₡500.0K ₡50.0K 400 Coal 50000 Coal[1] 100 MW
Coal Power Plant Advanced Furnace 的圖標
Coal Power Plant Advanced Furnace
A more efficient burn process allows the same power output with less fuel.
₡250.0K ₡60.0K 400 Coal Coal: ×85%
Coal Power Plant Coal Storage Yard 的圖標
Coal Power Plant Coal Storage Yard
Increases the plant's fuel storage capacity.
25×33 ₡100.0K ₡25.0K 400
Geothermal Power Plant 的圖標
Geothermal Power Plant
Electricity is generated from heat drawn from deep underground, so no fuel source is needed for these power plants. As a downside, they are somewhat expensive to build and maintain. Some greenhouse gasses also leak into the atmosphere in the process, causing air pollution. Can be upgraded with an additional turbine, a more efficient power generation process, and high voltage substations.
44×35 ₡750.0K ₡300.0K 1000 150 MW 4000
Geothermal Power Plant Additional Transformer Station 的圖標
Geothermal Power Plant Additional Transformer Station
Allows for a new Power Line to be built from the plant.
4×4 ₡15.0K ₡3.0K 200
Geothermal Power Plant Additional Turbine 的圖標
Geothermal Power Plant Additional Turbine
Increases power output and adds another Power Line connection.
₡375.0K ₡200.0K 200 100 MW 0
Geothermal Power Plant Binary Cycle Power Station 的圖標
Geothermal Power Plant Binary Cycle Power Station
Allows the plant to use lower geothermal temperatures, which increases power output somewhat.
₡250.0K ₡75.0K 200 50 MW 0
Solar Power Plant 的圖標
Solar Power Plant
Photovoltaic cells generate electricity from sunlight. It is stored in batteries during daytime and fed into the network during nights. As power is generated from sunlight alone, power output depends on the weather, but the plant also does not produce any ground or air pollution.Can be upgraded with a backup battery, an advanced tracking system, and high voltage substations.
36×69 ₡1.5M ₡300.0K 2000 200 MW (15 MW from batteries) 50 MWh
Solar Power Station Additional Transformer Station 的圖標
Solar Power Station Additional Transformer Station
Allows for a new Power Line to be built from the plant.
5×4 ₡15.0K ₡3.0K 400
Solar Power Station Advanced Tracking System 的圖標
Solar Power Station Advanced Tracking System
The panels automatically turn to keep pointing at the sun, increasing the effectiveness of energy production.
₡600.0K ₡150.0K 400 100 MW
Solar Power Station Backup Battery 的圖標
Solar Power Station Backup Battery
Increases electricity storage capacity.
16×6 ₡45.0K ₡21.0K 400 50 MW 50 MWh
Nuclear Power Plant 的圖標
Nuclear Power Plant
A thermal power plant that uses nuclear fission as the source of heat. Generates vast amounts of power and requires lots of water for cooling. Both the building and upkeep costs are rather high. Generates a lot of noise pollution but no ground or air pollution.
72×41 ₡5.0M ₡1000.0K 10000 750 MW
Name Ground pollution Air pollution Noise pollution Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts Initial resources Storage limit
Hydroelectric Power Plant Noise pollution 50000 0 175 18 Well educated 25% 25%
Transformer Station Noise pollution 5000 0 0
Wind Turbine Noise pollution 20000 0 0
Wind Turbine Advanced Rotor System 0 0
Wind Turbine Battery Extension 0 0
Wind Turbine Solar Assisted 0 0
Small Coal Power Plant Ground pollution 30000 Air pollution 30000 Noise pollution 30000 12000 125 10 Educated 25% 25% Coal: 5000 20000
Gas Power Plant Ground pollution 10000 Air pollution 10000 Noise pollution 10000 48000 175 28 Well educated 25% 25% Petrochemicals: 1000 5000
Gas Power Plant Exhaust Filter Air pollution -50% 0 50
Gas Power Plant Additional Turbine Ground pollution 3000 Air pollution 3000 Noise pollution 3000 24000 75 14 Well educated 0% 0%
Gas Power Plant Advanced Furnace 0 25 6 Well educated 0% 0%
Gas Power Plant Fuel Storage Extension Ground pollution 5000 Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 5000 0 50 6 Educated 0% 0% 2500
Emergency Battery Station Noise pollution 10000 2500 25 16 Well educated 25% 25%
Emergency Battery Station Additional Battery Bank Noise pollution 5000 0 10 4 Educated 25% 25%
Emergency Battery Station Diesel Generator Air pollution 15000 Noise pollution 10000 7500 50 0 Poorly educated 0% 0% Petrochemicals: 1000 1000
Coal Power Plant Ground pollution 100000 Air pollution 100000 Noise pollution 100000 60000 240 32 Well educated 25% 25% Coal: 100000 500000
Coal Power Plant Exhaust Filter Air pollution -50% 0 75
Coal Power Plant Additional Turbine Building Ground pollution 50000 Air pollution 50000 Noise pollution 50000 30000 100 16 Educated 0% 0%
Coal Power Plant Advanced Furnace 0 50 4 Well educated 0% 0%
Coal Power Plant Coal Storage Yard Ground pollution 25000 Air pollution 25000 Noise pollution 25000 0 75 4 Educated 0% 0% 1500000
Geothermal Power Plant Ground pollution 15000 Air pollution 15000 Noise pollution 20000 0 125 22 Well educated 25% 25%
Geothermal Power Plant Additional Transformer Station Noise pollution 7500 0 10 0 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Geothermal Power Plant Additional Turbine Ground pollution 7500 Air pollution 7500 Noise pollution 1000 0 25 14 Well educated 0% 0%
Geothermal Power Plant Binary Cycle Power Station Air pollution 5000 0 50 4 Highly educated 0% 0%
Solar Power Plant Noise pollution 50000 36000 150 16 Well educated 25% 10%
Solar Power Station Additional Transformer Station Noise pollution 7500 0 10 0 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Solar Power Station Advanced Tracking System 0 0
Solar Power Station Backup Battery 0 0 4 Well educated 0% 0%
Nuclear Power Plant Noise pollution 150000 750000 750 134 Highly educated 25% 25%

Fire & Rescue


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects Fire engines Fire helicopters disasterResponseCapacity fire vehicleEfficiency
Fire House 的圖標
Fire House
A small station that houses a few fire engines. Also reduces the likelihood of fires in the buildings in its service area by conducting safety supervision.Can be upraded with an extended garage.
5×5 ₡120.0K ₡20.0K 300 4 0 0 1.0
Fire House Garage Extension 的圖標
Fire House Garage Extension
More space for fire engines.
₡10.0K ₡11.0K 60 4 0 0
Firewatch Tower 的圖標
Firewatch Tower
A tower that keeps a constant lookout, reducing the chance of forest fires and alerting firefighters if a fire does break out.Does not need a road connection, but requires electricity to function.
2×2 ₡46.0K ₡25.0K 100
Fire Station 的圖標
Fire Station
A large station that houses several fire engines. Also reduces the likelihood of fires in the buildings in its service area by conducting safety supervision.Can be upgraded with an extended garage, a training facility, a disaster response unit, and a helipad that provides firefighting helicopters.
14×18 ₡2.15M ₡235.0K 3000 10 0 0 1.0
Fire Station Disaster Response Unit 的圖標
Fire Station Disaster Response Unit
Specialized rescue service workers search for survivors in collapsed buildings.
7×7 ₡240.0K ₡75.0K 600 0 0 5
Fire Station Garage Extension 的圖標
Fire Station Garage Extension
More space for fire engines.
₡224.0K ₡45.0K 600 5 0 0
Fire Station Helipad 的圖標
Fire Station Helipad
Firefighting helicopters operating from here improve the response time of other firefighting units, and can extinguish forest fires from the air.
₡15.4K ₡35.0K 600 0 1 0
Fire Station Training Facilities 的圖標
Fire Station Training Facilities
On-site training facilities that help firefighters stay in top shape and thus extinguish fires more efficiently.
₡250.0K ₡77.0K 600 0 0 0 2.0
Firefighting Helicopter Depot 的圖標
Firefighting Helicopter Depot
A base of operations for firefighting helicopters. Houses five firefighting helicopters ready to take off at a moment's notice.
11×16 ₡1.22M ₡145.0K 2000 0 5 0 1.0
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Fire House 3500.0 20000.0 5.0 Noise pollution 5000 1000 1000 50 8 Poorly educated 30% 30%
Fire House Garage Extension Noise pollution 2500 500 200 10 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Firewatch Tower 500 0 0
Fire Station 5000.0 100000.0 10.0 Noise pollution 7500 3500 5000 75 60 Educated 30% 30%
Fire Station Disaster Response Unit Noise pollution 2500 2500 2500 75 20 Educated 0% 0%
Fire Station Garage Extension Noise pollution 2500 2000 1000 25 15 Educated 0% 0%
Fire Station Helipad Noise pollution 7500 2000 1000 0 8 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Fire Station Training Facilities Noise pollution 2500 2000 2500 25 20 Educated 0% 0%
Firefighting Helicopter Depot Noise pollution 25000 16000 4000 75 48 Poorly educated 25% 12.5%

Disaster Control

Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects Goods consumption Shelter Capacity Evacuation Buses
Small Emergency Shelter 的圖標
Small Emergency Shelter
Provides citizens a safe place to stay during large-scale accidents or natural disasters.Can be upgraded with advanced air recycling and extra stores of consumables.
1×2 ₡35.0K ₡15.0K 100 Food 20000 Food[1] 1000 0
Emergency Shelter Advanced Air Recycling 的圖標
Emergency Shelter Advanced Air Recycling
More efficient air circulation allows for more people to take shelter here.
₡12.0K ₡1.2K 20 500 0
Emergency Shelter Extra Consumables 的圖標
Emergency Shelter Extra Consumables
Extended stores of rations allow citizens to remain in the shelter for longer.
₡7.6K ₡3.5K 20
Early Disaster Warning System 的圖標
Early Disaster Warning System
The EDWS contains multiple high-end detection systems that can spot approaching natural disasters in advance. Citizens can thus seek shelter or prepare buildings for the disaster ahead of time. Prepared buildings suffer less structural damage in the disaster.
10×7 ₡2.4M ₡240.0K 3000
Large Emergency Shelter 的圖標
Large Emergency Shelter
A massive shelter that has the space and provisions to house a significant number of citizens for an extended period of time during even the most dangerous of disasters. When an evacuation order is given, specialized buses are sent out from the shelter to collect citizens from the affected areas.
5×7 ₡315.0K ₡60.0K 500 Food 500000 Food[1] 25000 20
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts Initial resources Storage limit
Small Emergency Shelter 1500.0 5000.0 5.0 0 0 0 Food: 5000 40000
Emergency Shelter Advanced Air Recycling 1500 0 10
Emergency Shelter Extra Consumables 1500 100 25 10000
Early Disaster Warning System 15000 7500 50 40 Highly educated 30% 30%
Large Emergency Shelter 3000.0 50000.0 10.0 15000 5000 200 14 Educated 25% 25% Food: 250000 1000000

Garbage Management

Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects Electricity production productionPerUnit Garbage storage capacity Garbage trucks Garbage processing capacity resources
Landfill 的圖標
Sends out garbage trucks to collect waste from the city and stores it in the designated area.Can be upgraded with a garbage truck depot, a hazardous waste collection point, and a waste recycling unit.
17×15 ₡70.0K ₡30.0K 150 10 t 10 500 kg/month
Landfill Garbage Truck Depot 的圖標
Landfill Garbage Truck Depot
Enables the landfill to maintain a much larger fleet of trucks for garbage collection.
₡34.5K ₡20.0K 30 0 kg 10 0 kg/month
Landfill Hazardous Waste Collection Point 的圖標
Landfill Hazardous Waste Collection Point
Collects hazardous waste, allowing garbage to be processed at a higher speed.
12×8 ₡27.5K ₡30.0K 30 0 kg 0 1 t/month
Landfill Waste Recycling Unit 的圖標
Landfill Waste Recycling Unit
Processing the incoming waste and recycling what's possible lowers the ground pollution produced by the landfill site.
₡56.0K ₡30.0K 30
Incineration Plant 的圖標
Incineration Plant
Collects and burns garbage, turning it into energy. This reduces garbage accumulation, but produces some air pollution.Can be upgraded with a garbage truck depot, an extra incinerator, and an extended storage.
25×27 ₡1000.0K ₡210.0K 2000 250 MW 1.25 150 t 20 40 t/month
Incineration Plant Extra Incinerator Furnace 的圖標
Incineration Plant Extra Incinerator Furnace
Provides an increase in the waste burning and energy production capacity.
₡560.0K ₡85.0K 400 2.5 MW 10.0 0 kg 0 25 t/month
Incineration Plant Garbage Truck Depot 的圖標
Incineration Plant Garbage Truck Depot
Enables the plant to maintain a much larger fleet of trucks for garbage collection.
₡170.0K ₡40.0K 400 0 kg 10 0 kg/month
Incineration Plant Storage Extension 的圖標
Incineration Plant Storage Extension
Allows for significantly larger amounts of garbage to be stored for burning.
8×6 ₡510.0K ₡30.0K 400 250 t 0 0 kg/month
Recycling Center 的圖標
Recycling Center
Collects and sorts garbage to produce reusable materials, which are then sold further. This produces income for the city.Can be upgraded with a garbage truck depot, a hazardous waste collection point, and an extended storage.
22×18 ₡880.0K ₡160.0K 2000 50 t 10 10 t/month
  • Metals (Rate: 200, Storage: 4000
  • Plastics (Rate: 300, Storage: 6000
  • Textiles (Rate: 200, Storage: 4000
  • Paper (Rate: 200, Storage: 4000
Recycling Center Garbage Truck Depot 的圖標
Recycling Center Garbage Truck Depot
Enables the center to maintain a much larger fleet of trucks for garbage collection.
₡105.0K ₡30.0K 400 0 kg 10 0 kg/month
Recycling Center Hazardous Waste Collection Point 的圖標
Recycling Center Hazardous Waste Collection Point
Collects hazardous waste, allowing garbage to be processed at a higher speed.
8×10 ₡64.0K ₡40.0K 400 0 kg 0 1 t/month
Recycling Center Storage Extension 的圖標
Recycling Center Storage Extension
Allows for significantly larger amounts of garbage to be stored for processing.
16×7 ₡330.0K ₡30.0K 400 50 t 0 0 kg/month
Industrial Waste Processing Site 的圖標
Industrial Waste Processing Site
A specialized facility for collecting and handling the most hazardous and toxic waste products that result from industrial production. As these dangerous substances are collected away, the ground pollution produced by all industrial buildings is lowered.
19×16 ₡6.36M ₡450.0K 5000 GroundPollution.png −15% Industrial Ground Pollution (city-wide) 500 t 30 50 t/month (only industrial waste)
Name Ground pollution Air pollution Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Landfill Ground pollution 20000 Air pollution 20000 Noise pollution 40000 1000 1000 10 Poorly educated 20% 10%
Landfill Garbage Truck Depot Noise pollution 10000 750 200 6 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Landfill Hazardous Waste Collection Point Ground pollution 5000 Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 5000 750 250 8 Educated 0% 0%
Landfill Waste Recycling Unit Ground pollution -50% 1000 250 8 Educated 0% 0%
Incineration Plant Ground pollution 40000 Air pollution 40000 Noise pollution 40000 0 25000 40 Well educated 25% 12.5%
Incineration Plant Extra Incinerator Furnace Ground pollution 20000 Air pollution 20000 Noise pollution 20000 0 15000 16 Well educated 0% 0%
Incineration Plant Garbage Truck Depot Noise pollution 10000 0 250 10 Educated 0% 0%
Incineration Plant Storage Extension Ground pollution 5000 Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 5000 0 500 10 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Recycling Center Ground pollution 10000 Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 15000 2500 1000 32 Well educated 25% 10%
Recycling Center Garbage Truck Depot Noise pollution 5000 750 250 10 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Recycling Center Hazardous Waste Collection Point Ground pollution 5000 Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 5000 750 500 10 Educated 0% 0%
Recycling Center Storage Extension Ground pollution 5000 Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 5000 750 250 10 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Industrial Waste Processing Site Ground pollution 50000 Air pollution 50000 Noise pollution 50000 15000 5000 60 Highly educated 20% 10%

Healthcare & Deathcare


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects Goods consumption Ambulances Medical helicopters Patient capacity treatmentBonus Min health Max health treatDiseases treatInjuries
Medical Clinic 的圖標
Medical Clinic
Basic healthcare for a small area. Can pick up patients with ambulances. Helps citizens in its service area remain healthier.Can be upgraded with an ambulance depot and an extension wing.
11×6 ₡60.0K ₡40.0K 150 Pharmaceuticals 500 Pharmaceuticals[1] 5 0 100 15 0 100 True True
Medical Clinic Ambulance Depot 的圖標
Medical Clinic Ambulance Depot
Space for several additional ambulances.
₡25.0K ₡7.0K 30 5 0 0 0 0 100 True True
Medical Clinic Extension Wing 的圖標
Medical Clinic Extension Wing
Additional space for more patients.
6×3 ₡15.0K ₡25.0K 30 Pharmaceuticals 100 Pharmaceuticals[1] 0 0 25 0 0 100 True True
Hospital 的圖標
Provides health care for a large area and takes care of sick and injured citizens. Keeps citizens in its service area healthier.Can be upgraded with medical helicopters, a trauma center, and a specialized treatment ward.
23×10 ₡1.88M ₡450.0K 3000 Pharmaceuticals 2500 Pharmaceuticals[1] 30 0 500 30 0 100 True True
Hospital Helipad 的圖標
Hospital Helipad
Medical helicopters operating from here deliver patients by air. They transport people for treatment from accident sites and remote locations.
₡200.0K ₡35.0K 600 0 1 0 0 100 0 False False
Hospital Specialized Treatment Ward 的圖標
Hospital Specialized Treatment Ward
Specialized treatment helps citizens in the hospital's service area remain healthier.
₡225.0K ₡100.0K 600 0 0 0 0 0 100 True True
Hospital Trauma Center 的圖標
Hospital Trauma Center
Specialized equipment and facilities increase the chances a patient recovers from their condition.
₡225.0K ₡80.0K 600 0 0 0 15 0 0 False False
Disease Control Center 的圖標
Disease Control Center
A research facility for pathogens, toxins, and hereditary diseases. Citizens afflicted by them are also treated here. Intensive care takes slightly longer than regular treatment, but makes recovery much more likely.Can send out medical helicopters to pick up patients.
25×20 ₡2.0M ₡350.0K 3000
  • Healthcare.png −25% Disease Infection Risk (city-wide)
  • AirPollution.png −25% Health Effects from Pollution (city-wide)
Pharmaceuticals 1250 Pharmaceuticals[1] 15 2 250 45 0 35 True False
Health Research Institute 的圖標
Health Research Institute
A facility that studies the ways citizens can remain healthier and educates them in various ways, including lectures and outdoor challenges.
21×9 ₡1000.0K ₡160.0K 2000 0 0 0 0 0 100 False False
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Electricity consumption Water consumption Telecommunication consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts Initial resources Storage limit
Medical Clinic 3500.0 8000.0 5.0 2500 1000 0.0 100 12 Well educated 25% 12.5% Pharmaceuticals: 10 100
Medical Clinic Ambulance Depot 500 250 0.0 10 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Medical Clinic Extension Wing 1000 500 0.0 75 6 Educated 0% 0%
Hospital 5000.0 50000.0 10.0 10000 5000 10.0 500 60 Highly educated 25% 15% Pharmaceuticals: 100 2500
Hospital Helipad 1000 250 0.0 0 6 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Hospital Specialized Treatment Ward 2000 2500 0.0 200 20 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Hospital Trauma Center 2000 2500 0.0 300 15 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Disease Control Center 10000 5000 0.0 450 45 Highly educated 25% 6.25% Pharmaceuticals: 50 500
Health Research Institute 10000 5000 0.0 350 22 Highly educated 25% 6.25%


Name Size (cells) Requirements Cost Upkeep per month XP Attractiveness Effects Leisure Hearses Storage Capacity Processing Capacity
Cemetery 的圖標
The final resting place for deceased citizens. Cemeteries collect and transport the dead with hearses.Can be upgraded with a temple, a mausoleum, and a columbarium.
16×25 ₡114.0K ₡55.0K 300 WellBeing.png +3 Well-Being within 300 m +3 Indoor Recreation 15 5000 0.0
Cemetery Temple 的圖標
Cemetery Temple
A small place of reverence. Provides increased well-being.
8×8 ₡25.0K ₡11.0K 60 WellBeing.png +2 Well-Being within 300 m
Cemetery Columbarium 的圖標
Cemetery Columbarium
A set of walls for storing the cremated remains of the deceased.
8×8 1 Crematorium ₡75.0K ₡18.0K 60 0 1000 0.0
Cemetery Mausoleum 的圖標
Cemetery Mausoleum
A memorial tomb for a person of importance. The cemetery becomes a sightseeing attraction.
6×6 ₡10.5K ₡7.0K 60 Tourism.png 20
Crematorium 的圖標
Cremates the bodies of deceased citizens. The ashes do not take up space in the crematorium.Can be upgraded with a hearse garage, an additional incinerator, and an expanded refrigerator.
8×10 ₡240.0K ₡45.0K 500 10 20 100.0
Crematorium Additional Incinerator 的圖標
Crematorium Additional Incinerator
Increases the speed at which remains can be processed.
₡51.0K ₡25.0K 100 0 0 50.0
Crematorium Hearse Garage 的圖標
Crematorium Hearse Garage
More space for hearses.
4×6 ₡30.0K ₡10.0K 100 5 0 0.0
Crematorium Refrigerator Expansion 的圖標
Crematorium Refrigerator Expansion
Extended cold storage allows storing more deceased citizens before cremation.
₡24.0K ₡12.0K 100 0 25 0.0
Name Air pollution Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Cemetery 800 2000 50 12 Educated 0% 0%
Cemetery Temple 500 500 25 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Cemetery Columbarium 500 500 10 6 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Cemetery Mausoleum 0 500 10 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Crematorium Air pollution 2500 Noise pollution 5000 1300 500 50 10 Educated 0% 0%
Crematorium Additional Incinerator 700 250 10 5 Educated 0% 0%
Crematorium Hearse Garage 500 250 10 3 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Crematorium Refrigerator Expansion 1000 250 10 3 Educated 0% 0%

Parks & Recreation

Park maintenance

Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Maintenance types Maintenance vehicles maintenance vehicleEfficiency
Park Maintenance Depot 的圖標
Park Maintenance Depot
Houses a maintenance office and a garage for vehicles. Well maintained parks provide the most leisure benefit to visitors. Can be upgraded with an extra garage and a supply storage.
7×10 ₡90.0K ₡40.0K 150 Park 10 1.0
Park Maintenance Depot Extra Garage 的圖標
Park Maintenance Depot Extra Garage
Increased space to house more vehicles.
6×5 ₡37.5K ₡12.5K 30 5
Park Maintenance Depot Supply Storage 的圖標
Park Maintenance Depot Supply Storage
The increased availability of supplies allows the maintenance vehicles to work for longer.
₡31.5K ₡11.0K 30 0 0.5
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Park Maintenance Depot Noise pollution 5000 1500 2000 200 10 Educated 12.5% 0%
Park Maintenance Depot Extra Garage Noise pollution 1500 750 250 10 0 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Park Maintenance Depot Supply Storage Noise pollution 1500 750 250 50 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%

Parks and tourist attractions

Name Size (cells) DLC Cost Upkeep per month XP Attractiveness Has companies maintenancePool Leisure
Small Park 的圖標
Small Park
Plenty of benches provide for comfy relaxing in the shade.
4×4 ₡10.0K ₡2.0K 100 Tourism.png 1 250 +1 Outdoor Recreation
Small Plaza 的圖標
Small Plaza
Benches surround the fountain at the center of this small plaza.
6×6 ₡20.0K ₡4.0K 100 Tourism.png 5 250 +2 Outdoor Recreation
Small Playground 的圖標
Small Playground
A sandbox, a slide and a jungle gym provide for kids of all ages.
2×2 ₡5.0K ₡1000 100 Tourism.png 1 500 +2 Outdoor Recreation
Dog Park 的圖標
Dog Park
A park dedicated to our four-legged friends.
4×3 ₡10.0K ₡2.0K 100 Tourism.png 1 500 +2 Outdoor Recreation
Campfire Site 的圖標
Campfire Site
A fire pit with benches and a collection of picnic tables provide for all outdoor cooking needs.
8×14 ₡30.0K ₡6.0K 100 Tourism.png 10 500 +5 Outdoor Recreation
Large City Park 的圖標
Large City Park
A small stage is the focal point of this large park while picnic tables provide ample seating.
10×8 ₡42.0K ₡8.5K 100 Tourism.png 10 500 +3 Outdoor Recreation
Large Plaza 的圖標
Large Plaza
A monumental fountain is the center piece of this city plaza.
12×16 ₡56.0K ₡12.5K 150 Tourism.png 15 500 +5 Outdoor Recreation
Large Playground 的圖標
Large Playground
A large jungle gym and a sandbox, with swings and carousels to match, will guarantee hours of playtime.
3×4 ₡14.0K ₡2.5K 100 Tourism.png 5 500 +5 Outdoor Recreation
Tennis Court 的圖標
Tennis Court
Two nets and seating areas provide for the tennis enthusiasts.
4×7 ₡14.0K ₡2.5K 100 Tourism.png 5 1000 +5 Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Gym 的圖標
Outdoor Gym
Citizens work on their physique and tan here at the same time.
2×2 ₡15.0K ₡3.0K 100 Tourism.png 5 1000 +5 Outdoor Recreation
Skate Park 的圖標
Skate Park
The finest selection of ramps and rails.
8×4 ₡15.0K ₡3.0K 100 Tourism.png 5 1000 +5 Outdoor Recreation
Basketball Court 的圖標
Basketball Court
A place to shoot some hoops and get some fresh air at the same time.
3×4 ₡14.0K ₡2.5K 100 Tourism.png 5 1000 +5 Outdoor Recreation
American Football Field 的圖標
American Football Field
A field with seating areas on both sides.
20×12 ₡160.0K ₡30.0K 300 Tourism.png 25 True 2000 +20 Outdoor Recreation
Soccer Field 的圖標
Soccer Field
A field with a covered seating for the audience.
12×15 ₡160.0K ₡30.0K 300 Tourism.png 25 2000 +20 Outdoor Recreation
Community Pool 的圖標
Community Pool
The perfect place to enjoy sunny days.
7×7 ₡80.0K ₡16.0K 150 Tourism.png 15 2000 +20 Summer Season Recreation
Observation Tower 的圖標
Observation Tower
Reaching for the skies, this building is perfect for anyone wishing to enjoy the scenery.
19×14 ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000 Tourism.png 40 True 3000 +75 Indoor Recreation
Bronze Statue 的圖標
Bronze Statue
A masterpiece in bronze casting, this massive statue will attract tourists far and wide. The base is accessible to visitors and offers amenities.
9×9 ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000 Tourism.png 50 3000 +25 Outdoor Recreation
Water Park 的圖標
Water Park
An amusement park that offers plenty of water related activities for children and grown-ups alike.
12×6 ₡800.0K ₡80.0K 1000 Tourism.png 75 3000 +25 Summer Season Recreation
Medieval Castle 的圖標
Medieval Castle
A restored medieval castle open for visitors.
26×24 Log in with a paradox account ₡4.8M ₡480.0K 6000 Tourism.png 85 3000 +20 Indoor Recreation
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Small Park 2500.0 800.0 10.0 500 0 5
Small Plaza 4000.0 1200.0 10.0 750 500 5
Small Playground 2000.0 600.0 10.0 250 0 10
Dog Park 3500.0 800.0 10.0 250 0 25
Campfire Site 6000.0 1600.0 10.0 0 0 10
Large City Park 3000.0 1600.0 14.0 1000 750 20
Large Plaza 4000.0 2000.0 14.0 1500 1000 20
Large Playground 2500.0 800.0 14.0 500 0 25
Tennis Court 3500.0 800.0 14.0 500 0 10
Outdoor Gym 3500.0 1000.0 10.0 500 0 5
Skate Park 3500.0 1000.0 10.0 500 0 10
Basketball Court 3500.0 800.0 14.0 510 0 11
American Football Field 4000.0 4000.0 16.0 2500 0 10 10 Poorly educated 15% 0%
Soccer Field 4000.0 4000.0 16.0 2510 0 11 10 Poorly educated 15% 0%
Community Pool 3500.0 2000.0 16.0 3000 10000 25 4 Educated 30% 0%
Observation Tower 7500.0 6000.0 18.0 3500 5000 100 12 Educated 25% 12.5%
Bronze Statue 5000.0 5000.0 16.0 3000 1000 50 10 Educated 25% 12.5%
Water Park 5000.0 3000.0 16.0 15000 20000 100 14 Poorly educated 25% 12.5%
Medieval Castle 7500.0 4000.0 16.0 1000 1000 100 8 Educated 20% 0%


Name Size (cells) DLC Cost Upkeep per month XP Attractiveness Leisure Has companies maintenancePool
Bell Tower of Xi'an 的圖標
Bell Tower of Xi'an
Originally built in 1384 during the early Ming Dynasty, this brick and timber bell tower is the largest and most well preserved of its kind. It stands as a symbol of ancient China at the center of the city of Xi'an.
16×16 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 125 +100 Outdoor Recreation 4000
Botanical Garden 的圖標
Botanical Garden
A huge greenhouse that displays wondrous plantlife from all over the globe.
12×16 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 Tourism.png 125 +100 Outdoor Recreation 4000
Ferris Wheel 的圖標
Ferris Wheel
The Ferris Wheel is a giant observation wheel and it is an extremely popular tourist attraction in the city.
20×16 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 110 +75 Indoor Recreation 2500
Fountain Plaza 的圖標
Fountain Plaza
A massive, round plaza with concentric fountains.
14×14 CS1 Owner "DLC" for people who redeemed the code on paradox account found in the treasure hunt. ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 Tourism.png 100 +50 Outdoor Recreation 4000
Grand Hotel 的圖標
Grand Hotel
A towering, monumental hotel with a classic design that's stood the test of time.
14×10 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000 Tourism.png 115 +75 Indoor Recreation True 2500
Namdaemun 的圖標
Namdaemun is one of the Eight Gates in the Fortress Wall of Seoul, South Korea, which surrounded the city in 14th century. First built in 1398, and rebuilt in 1447, it is a historic pagoda-style gateway, and is designated as the first National Treasure of South Korea.
14×14 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 125 +100 Outdoor Recreation 4000
National Diet Building 的圖標
National Diet Building
This building is where both houses of the Japanese legislature, the National Diet, meet. Located in Tokyo, the building was completed in 1936, and it is constructed almost solely out of Japanese materials.
33×31 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 125 +100 Outdoor Recreation 4000
National Gallery of Art 的圖標
National Gallery of Art
A national art museum in Washington, D.C. Established in 1937, the museum is open to the public and free of charge.
42×18 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000 Tourism.png 120 +100 Indoor Recreation 3000
Notre-Dame 的圖標
Notre-Dame de Paris is the world-famous French medieval Gothic cathedral. Built over the years from 1163 to 1345, it has become one of the most widely recognized symbols of the city of Paris.
10×25 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡5.6M ₡560.0K 7000 Tourism.png 175 +125 Outdoor Recreation 3500
Näsinneula 的圖標
Näsinneula is an observation tower in Tampere, Finland. Opened in 1971, the tower is located in the Särkänniemi amusement park, overseeing Lake Näsijärvi. A revolving restaurant is located in the top of the tower, with one revolution taking 45 minutes.
18×15 DLC Landmark Buildings.png ₡4.8M ₡480.0K 6000 Tourism.png 115 +75 Indoor Recreation True 2000
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Bell Tower of Xi'an 10000.0 15000.0 20.0 250 0 100 24 Poorly educated 20% 0%
Botanical Garden 10000.0 15000.0 20.0 250 0 100 24 Poorly educated 20% 0%
Ferris Wheel 6000.0 12000.0 18.0 3500 0 25 18 Poorly educated 20% 10%
Fountain Plaza 7500.0 10000.0 16.0 500 5000 10 12 Poorly educated 10% 0%
Grand Hotel 10000.0 15000.0 16.0 1500 1000 150 10 Well educated 20% 10%
Namdaemun 10000.0 15000.0 20.0 250 0 100 24 Poorly educated 20% 0%
National Diet Building 10000.0 15000.0 20.0 250 0 100 24 Poorly educated 20% 0%
National Gallery of Art 7500.0 16000.0 18.0 2500 1000 75 18 Educated 25% 10%
Notre-Dame 7500.0 20000.0 20.0 1500 500 50 24 Educated 20% 10%
Näsinneula 6000.0 12000.0 18.0 2500 1000 100 16 Well educated 20% 10%

Police & Administration


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects Patrol Cars Police Helicopters Jail Capacity Purposes Prison Vans Jail capacity
Police Station 的圖標
Police Station
A base of operations for local police. Houses staff facilities, an attached garage for squad cars and a small jail.Can be upgraded with an extended garage.
12×7 ₡160.0K ₡38.0K 300 6 0 25 Emergency, Patrol
Police Station Garage Extension 的圖標
Police Station Garage Extension
More space for police vehicles.
₡18.0K ₡18.0K 60 6 0 0 Emergency, Patrol
Police Headquarters 的圖標
Police Headquarters
A large station house with administrative and staff facilities, a large garage and a jail.Can be upgraded with an extended garage, extra jail cells, and a helipad that provides police helicopters.
18×20 ₡2.1M ₡310.0K 3000 20 0 100 Emergency, Patrol
Police Headquarters Extra Jails 的圖標
Police Headquarters Extra Jails
More cells to hold a larger number of apprehended criminals.
6×8 ₡75.0K ₡60.0K 600 0 0 50 Emergency, Patrol
Police Headquarters Garage Extension 的圖標
Police Headquarters Garage Extension
More space for police vehicles.
₡60.0K ₡30.0K 600 10 0 0 Emergency, Patrol
Police Headquarters Helipad 的圖標
Police Headquarters Helipad
Police helicopters operating from here patrol the city from the skies. They can cover larger areas and respond faster than patrol cars, but are not quite as effective.
₡200.0K ₡35.0K 600 0 1 0 Emergency, Patrol
Prison 的圖標
Houses convicted criminals.Can be upgraded with a prison library and recreation center and additional wings for increased prisoner capacity.
26×24 ₡650.0K ₡200.0K 1000 Police.png −5 Crime Rate within 800 m 10 500
Prison wing 的圖標
Prison wing
Increases the number of prisoners that can be housed in the prison.
14×14 ₡96.0K ₡40.0K 200 0 50
Prison library and recreation center 的圖標
Prison library and recreation center
Increases the prisoners』 Wellbeing and prepares them for the life outside of the prison walls.
₡75.0K ₡60.0K 200 WellBeing.png +5% Well-Being for Prisoners
Central Intelligence Bureau 的圖標
Central Intelligence Bureau
The local headquarters for CIB agents. The Central Intelligence Bureau investigates severe criminal activity and apprehends criminals with superior efficiency. The sole existence of the office lowers crime rate citywide.
34×34 ₡3.2M ₡320.0K 4000
  • Police.png −8% Crime Rate (city-wide)
  • Police.png +8 Immediate Response Rate (city-wide)
25 0 100 Intelligence
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Police Station 3500.0 15000.0 4.0 Noise pollution 5000 2000 1000 75 12 Poorly educated 30% 30%
Police Station Garage Extension Noise pollution 2500 1500 250 10 6 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Police Headquarters 5000.0 100000.0 8.0 Noise pollution 20000 3500 2500 125 60 Well educated 30% 30%
Police Headquarters Extra Jails Noise pollution 5000 1500 500 25 15 Educated 0% 0%
Police Headquarters Garage Extension Noise pollution 5000 1500 250 10 10 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Police Headquarters Helipad Noise pollution 10000 1000 250 0 6 Well educated 0% 0%
Prison Noise pollution 40000 3500 5000 150 50 Well educated 30% 30%
Prison wing Noise pollution 10000 1600 250 75 20 Educated 30% 30%
Prison library and recreation center Noise pollution 10000 1600 1000 100 16 Educated 0% 0%
Central Intelligence Bureau 16000 1000 400 100 Highly educated 25% 12.5%


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Effects
Welfare Office 的圖標
Welfare Office
Helps the less fortunate by increasing well-being in the surrounding neighborhood.
15×16 ₡110.0K ₡45.0K 300
City Hall 的圖標
City Hall
A center for different branches of local government. Reduces the price of imported goods and lowers loan interest rates.Can be upgraded with city planning offices and a city court.
16×20 ₡1.6M ₡160.0K 2000
City Hall Court 的圖標
City Hall Court
Increases the effectiveness of the local court system, which in turn brings the crime rate down.
₡320.0K ₡40.0K 200 Police.png −5% Crime Rate (city-wide)
City Hall Planning Offices 的圖標
City Hall Planning Offices
Specialized city planners help lower the cost of improving zoned buildings.
₡320.0K ₡55.0K 200 File:BuildingLevel.png −5% Building Leveling Cost (city-wide)
Central Bank 的圖標
Central Bank
Houses stock and resource traders as well as financial advisors and loan officers. The services working together lowers loan interests and reduces the price of imported resources.
28×20 ₡2.4M ₡240.0K 3000
Name Service range Service capacity Service magnitude Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Welfare Office 4000.0 20000.0 12.0 Noise pollution 10000 1500 1000 125 12 Educated 12.5% 6.25%
City Hall 3500 1000 200 16 Well educated 25% 10%
City Hall Court 1500 500 50 10 Educated 0% 0%
City Hall Planning Offices 1500 500 75 10 Well educated 0% 0%
Central Bank 10000 1000 75 40 Well educated 25% 12.5%




Name Size (cells) Requirements Cost Upkeep per month XP Vehicles maintenanceDuration dispatchCenter Comfort Has companies carRefuelTypes Vehicle fuel
Bus Depot 的圖標
Bus Depot
Fuels, maintains and stores buses. Each vehicle stops by the depot at certain intervals to stay in running order. Can be upgraded with an extra garage and electric buses.
18×9 ₡150.0K ₡62.0K 300 25 0.01 False Fuel
Bus Depot Electric Bus Maintenance 的圖標
Bus Depot Electric Bus Maintenance
Enables the depot to send out electric buses. The types of buses operating on a line can changed on each individual line's Bus line panel.
₡18.5K ₡29.0K 60 0 0.0 False Electricity
Bus Depot Extra Garage 的圖標
Bus Depot Extra Garage
An extended garage that can house more buses.
7×7 ₡75.0K ₡30.0K 60 10 0.0 False
Bus Station 的圖標
Bus Station
A terminal for buses. Can be upgraded with a taxi stop, an extra platform and electric bus recharging station.
13×13 All of:
  • Bus Depot
  • 1 Bus Depot
₡200.0K ₡56.0K 500 50.0 True
Bus Station Extra Platforms 的圖標
Bus Station Extra Platforms
Adds more platforms to the station, allowing for increased amount of traffic.
₡20.0K ₡12.0K 100
Bus Station Recharging Station 的圖標
Bus Station Recharging Station
Provides further charging capacity for electric buses, which increases their range significantly.
All of:
  • Transportation
  • 1 Bus Depot
  • 1 Bus Depot Electric Bus Maintenance
₡35.0K ₡16.0K 100 10.0 Electricity
Bus Station Taxi Stop 的圖標
Bus Station Taxi Stop
A built-in stop that allows for taxis to pick up and drop off customers directly at the station.
All of:
  • Transportation
  • 1 Taxi Depot
₡12.0K ₡7.0K 100
Taxi Depot 的圖標
Taxi Depot
A garage and repair workshop for taxis. Also houses a small dispatch office. Can be upgraded with an extra garage, a dispatch center, and electric taxis.
9×7 ₡100.0K ₡28.0K 300 20 0.007 False Fuel
Taxi Depot Dispatch Center 的圖標
Taxi Depot Dispatch Center
Allows taxis to pick up passengers from all over the city, not just dedicated taxi stands.
₡22.5K ₡12.0K 60 0 0.0 True
Taxi Depot Electric Taxis 的圖標
Taxi Depot Electric Taxis
One fourth of the taxi fleet is replaced with electric taxis.
₡18.0K ₡16.0K 60 0 0.0 False Electricity
Taxi Depot Taxi Garage 的圖標
Taxi Depot Taxi Garage
More space for taxi vehicles.
3×3 ₡12.0K ₡12.0K 60 5 0.0 False
Name Air pollution Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Bus Depot Air pollution 2500 Noise pollution 10000 2000 1000 100 16 Educated 25% 12.5%
Bus Depot Electric Bus Maintenance Noise pollution 5000 1500 0 25 6 Well educated 0% 0%
Bus Depot Extra Garage Noise pollution 2000 1000 250 25 10 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Bus Station Noise pollution 10000 2500 1000 125 14 Educated 25% 12.5%
Bus Station Extra Platforms Noise pollution 5000 500 0 0 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Bus Station Recharging Station 2000 0 10 4 Educated 0% 0%
Bus Station Taxi Stop Noise pollution 2500 0 0 0 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Taxi Depot Noise pollution 5000 1500 500 50 8 Educated 25% 12.5%
Taxi Depot Dispatch Center 1000 250 25 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Taxi Depot Electric Taxis 1500 0 0 4 Educated 0% 0%
Taxi Depot Taxi Garage Noise pollution 1000 700 250 10 4 Poorly educated 0% 0%


Name Size (cells) Requirements Cost Upkeep per month XP Vehicles maintenanceDuration Comfort Has companies Traded resources transports Vehicle fuel
Rail Yard 的圖標
Rail Yard
A large complex used for the storing, sorting, and maintenance of trains. Can be upgraded with extra tracks and a maintenance hall.
44×28 ₡150.0K ₡30.0K 300 10 0.014 FuelAndElectricity
Rail Yard Extra Rails 的圖標
Rail Yard Extra Rails
Increased capacity for more trains.
₡50.0K ₡16.0K 60 5 0.0
Rail Yard Maintenance Hall 的圖標
Rail Yard Maintenance Hall
Dedicated facilities that make train maintenance faster.
₡750.0K ₡34.0K 60 0 -0.0046
Train Station 的圖標
Train Station
Allows passengers train boarding and disembarking. Can be upgraded with extra platforms, station services, a subway interface and a taxi stop.
25×14 All of:
  • Rail Yard
  • 1 Rail Yard
  • 1 Double Train Track / One-way Train Track / Twoway Train Track
₡75.0K ₡23.0K 150 50.0 True
Train Station Extra Platforms 的圖標
Train Station Extra Platforms
Increased capacity for more trains.
₡35.0K ₡7.0K 30
Train Station Services 的圖標
Train Station Services
Small shops, restaurants and kiosks for passenger convenience. Increases the attractiveness of the station, and the services pay rent which offsets maintenance costs.
₡50.0K ₡16.0K 30 30.0 True
Train Station Subway Interface 的圖標
Train Station Subway Interface
An extension that connects to the subway network. Works as a subway station.
1 Subway Yard ₡50.0K ₡7.0K 30
Train Station Taxi Stop 的圖標
Train Station Taxi Stop
A built-in stop that allows taxis to pick up and drop off customers directly at the station.
All of:
  • Transportation
  • 1 Taxi Depot
₡12.5K ₡7.0K 30
Cargo Train Terminal 的圖標
Cargo Train Terminal
A large warehouse where cargo trains can load and unload cargo to and from trucks. Can be upgraded with a storage warehouse and extra tracks.
38×17 All of:
  • Rail Yard
  • 1 Rail Yard
  • 1 Double Train Track / One-way Train Track / Twoway Train Track
₡150.0K ₡30.0K 300 Grain,Convenience Food,Food,Vegetables,Wood,Timber,Paper,Furniture,Vehicles,Outgoing Mail,Crude Oil,Petrochemicals,Metal Ore,Plastics,Metals,Electronics,Coal,Rock,Livestock,Cotton,Steel,Minerals,Concrete,Machinery,Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals,Beverages,Textiles,Local Mail,Unsorted Mail,Garbage 16
Cargo Train Terminal Extra Tracks 的圖標
Cargo Train Terminal Extra Tracks
Increased capacity for more trains.
₡35.0K ₡25.0K 60
Cargo Train Terminal Storage Warehouse 的圖標
Cargo Train Terminal Storage Warehouse
Additional space that can be used to store even more cargo before it is sent forward.
16×12 ₡50.0K ₡12.0K 60
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts Storage limit
Rail Yard Noise pollution 30000 7000 1000 100 8 Well educated 25% 12.5%
Rail Yard Extra Rails Noise pollution 7500 0 0 0 4 Educated 0% 0%
Rail Yard Maintenance Hall Noise pollution 7500 1600 250 50 6 Well educated 0% 0%
Train Station Noise pollution 15000 5000 1000 125 6 Educated 25% 12.5%
Train Station Extra Platforms Noise pollution 7500 1600 0 0 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Train Station Services 800 250 75 4 Educated 0% 0%
Train Station Subway Interface Noise pollution 5000 2500 75 75 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Train Station Taxi Stop Noise pollution 2500 500 0 0 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Cargo Train Terminal Noise pollution 25000 11600 1000 150 8 Well educated 25% 12.5% 15500000
Cargo Train Terminal Extra Tracks Noise pollution 15000 2500 0 0 6 Educated 0% 0%
Cargo Train Terminal Storage Warehouse Noise pollution 15000 2500 250 50 4 Poorly educated 0% 0% 15500000


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Vehicles maintenanceDuration Vehicle fuel
Tram Depot 的圖標
Tram Depot
Workshops and staff facilities for the tram network. Trams return to the depot for maintenance at regular intervals. Can be upgraded with an extra garage.
19×17 ₡100.0K ₡23.0K 300 10 0.014 Electricity
Tram Depot Garage Extension 的圖標
Tram Depot Garage Extension
Space for more trams.
₡42.0K ₡25.0K 60 5 0.0
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Tram Depot Noise pollution 15000 5000 1000 100 6 Well educated 25% 12.5%
Tram Depot Garage Extension Noise pollution 5000 3500 250 25 6 Educated 0% 0%


Name Size (cells) Requirements Cost Upkeep per month XP Vehicles maintenanceDuration Comfort Has companies Vehicle fuel
Subway Yard 的圖標
Subway Yard
Rail yard that contains warehouses and facilities for subway train handling and maintenance. Can be upgraded with extra tracks and a maintenance hall.
44×20 ₡200.0K ₡48.0K 500 10 0.014 Electricity
Subway Yard Extra Rails 的圖標
Subway Yard Extra Rails
Increased capacity for more subway trains.
₡75.0K ₡16.0K 100 5 0.0
Subway Yard Maintenance Hall 的圖標
Subway Yard Maintenance Hall
Dedicated facilities that make subway train maintenance faster.
30×7 ₡50.0K ₡34.0K 100 0 -0.0046
Overground Subway Station 的圖標
Overground Subway Station
Allows passengers subway train boarding and disembarking overground. Can be upgraded with station services.
21×6 All of:
  • 1 Subway Yard
  • 1 Double Subway Track / One-way Subway Track
₡25.0K ₡10.0K 100 50.0 True
Subway Station 2 Station Services 的圖標
Subway Station 2 Station Services
Small shops, restaurants and kiosks for passenger convenience. Increases the attractiveness of the station, and the services pay rent which offsets maintenance costs.
₡15.0K ₡16.0K 20 30.0 True
Underground Subway Station 的圖標
Underground Subway Station
Allows passengers subway train boarding and disembarking underground.Can be upgraded with station services.
3×2 All of:
  • 1 Subway Yard
  • 1 Double Subway Track / One-way Subway Track
₡50.0K ₡10.0K 150 50.0
Subway Station 1 Station Services 的圖標
Subway Station 1 Station Services
Small shops, restaurants and kiosks for passenger convenience. Increases the attractiveness of the station, and the services pay rent which offsets maintenance costs.
₡15.0K ₡16.0K 30 30.0
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Subway Yard Noise pollution 25000 8000 1000 100 13 Well educated 25% 12.5%
Subway Yard Extra Rails Noise pollution 7500 2000 0 0 4 Educated 0% 0%
Subway Yard Maintenance Hall Noise pollution 7500 1600 250 50 6 Well educated 0% 0%
Overground Subway Station Noise pollution 10000 8000 1000 125 4 Educated 25% 12.5%
Subway Station 2 Station Services 1600 250 75 4 Educated 0% 0%
Underground Subway Station Noise pollution 5000 5000 1000 125 4 Educated 25% 12.5%
Subway Station 1 Station Services 1600 250 75 4 Educated 0% 0%


Name Size (cells) Requirements Cost Upkeep per month XP Comfort Has companies Traded resources transports loadingFactor watercraftRefuelTypes
Harbor 的圖標
Passenger ships stop here to load and unload. A passenger terminal allows passengers to board and disembark. Can be upgraded with an extra pier and a transit terminal.
38×11 ₡420.0K ₡60.0K 1000 50.0 True Fuel
Harbor Extra Pier 的圖標
Harbor Extra Pier
An additional pier that allows for another ship to dock.
₡100.0K ₡40.0K 200 True
Harbor Transit Terminal 的圖標
Harbor Transit Terminal
An integrated bus station and taxi stand that allows direct bus and taxi traffic to and from the harbor.
All of:
  • Transportation
  • 1 Bus Depot
  • 1 Taxi Depot
₡75.0K ₡40.0K 200 True
Cargo Harbor 的圖標
Cargo Harbor
A harbor with cranes and container yards that allows for cargo ships to load and unload. Also stores the cargo until it is shipped forward.Can be upgraded with a railway connection, extra cargo cranes, and warehouses.
56×33 ₡490.0K ₡67.0K 1000 Grain,Convenience Food,Food,Vegetables,Wood,Timber,Paper,Furniture,Vehicles,Outgoing Mail,Crude Oil,Petrochemicals,Metal Ore,Plastics,Metals,Electronics,Coal,Rock,Livestock,Cotton,Steel,Minerals,Concrete,Machinery,Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals,Beverages,Textiles,Local Mail,Unsorted Mail,Garbage 24 0.0
Cargo Harbor Cargo Cranes 的圖標
Cargo Harbor Cargo Cranes
Additional cranes help to increase the speed at which loading and unloading takes place.
₡120.0K ₡40.0K 200 0 0.33333
Cargo Harbor Railway Connection 的圖標
Cargo Harbor Railway Connection
Allows for trains to transport cargo directly to and from the harbor.
1 Rail Yard ₡80.0K ₡40.0K 200
Cargo Harbor Warehouses 的圖標
Cargo Harbor Warehouses
Extended warehouses allow for more cargo to be stored.
19×13 ₡100.0K ₡25.0K 200
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts Storage limit
Harbor Noise pollution 25000 16000 1000 350 12 Well educated 25% 12.5%
Harbor Extra Pier Noise pollution 15000 5000 0 0 10 Educated 0% 0%
Harbor Transit Terminal Noise pollution 5000 2500 250 150 10 Educated 0% 0%
Cargo Harbor Noise pollution 100000 25000 1000 400 14 Well educated 25% 12.5% 15500000
Cargo Harbor Cargo Cranes Noise pollution 25000 3000 0 0 10 Educated 0% 0%
Cargo Harbor Railway Connection Noise pollution 25000 1600 0 75 10 Educated 0% 0%
Cargo Harbor Warehouses Noise pollution 25000 1600 250 50 6 Educated 0% 0% 15500000


Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Attractiveness Effects Vehicles productionDuration Comfort Has companies Leisure Traded resources transports aircraftRefuelTypes Vehicle fuel
Airport 的圖標
A small terminal and runway that provide the city with flight connections. Increases the attractiveness of the city and raises the effectiveness of offices. Can be upgraded with airport services, a business lounge, and a cargo terminal.
142×47 ₡750.0K ₡100.0K 1000 50.0 True Grain,Convenience Food,Food,Vegetables,Wood,Timber,Paper,Furniture,Vehicles,Outgoing Mail,Crude Oil,Petrochemicals,Metal Ore,Plastics,Metals,Electronics,Coal,Rock,Livestock,Cotton,Steel,Minerals,Concrete,Machinery,Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals,Beverages,Textiles,Local Mail,Unsorted Mail 8 Fuel
Airport Business Terminal 的圖標
Airport Business Terminal
Business travelers have an easier time at the Airport. Increases the attractiveness of the city.
₡150.0K ₡40.0K 200 Tourism.png +5% Attractiveness (city-wide)
Airport Cargo Train Terminal 的圖標
Airport Cargo Train Terminal
Provides storage space for cargo, and the integrated rail tracks and the truck terminal allow for cargo traffic to flow with ease.
₡500.0K ₡62.0K 200
Airport Services 的圖標
Airport Services
Small shops, restaurants and kiosks for passenger convenience. The services pay rent, which offsets some of the airport maintenance costs, but increases water and electricity consumption slightly.
₡100.0K ₡25.0K 200 30.0
International Airport 的圖標
International Airport
A large international hub that allows citizens the ultimate freedom of travel. The integrated train station, taxi stands and a plenitude of tax free services ensure that citizens and tourists alike enjoy their trip. Increases the attractiveness of the city and the effectiveness of offices and commercial companies.
170×158 ₡4.0M ₡400.0K 5000
  • Tourism.png +10% Attractiveness (city-wide)
  • Education.png +10% Interest in University Education (city-wide)
  • ZoneOfficeHigh.png +10% Demand for Software (city-wide)
90.0 True Grain,Convenience Food,Food,Vegetables,Wood,Timber,Paper,Furniture,Vehicles,Outgoing Mail,Crude Oil,Petrochemicals,Metal Ore,Plastics,Metals,Electronics,Software,Coal,Rock,Livestock,Cotton,Steel,Minerals,Concrete,Machinery,Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals,Beverages,Textiles 8 Fuel
ChirpX Space Center 的圖標
ChirpX Space Center
A huge facility that houses both a space museum as well as an active command center and rocket launch platform. The combination of history and the unique sight of rocket launches attracts tourists and increases the effectiveness of industries and offices.
36×46 ₡4.8M ₡480.0K 6000 Tourism.png 200
  • Tourism.png +10% Attractiveness (city-wide)
  • Education.png +10% Interest in University Education (city-wide)
  • ZoneOfficeHigh.png +10% Demand for Software (city-wide)
  • File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png +10% Demand for Electronics (city-wide)
1 0.01 +60 Meals Fuel
Name Noise pollution Electricity consumption Water consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts Storage limit
Airport 30000 2000 500 20 Highly educated 40% 20% 0
Airport Business Terminal 8000 500 150 10 Educated 0% 0%
Airport Cargo Train Terminal 8000 500 200 16 Educated 0% 0% 1000000
Airport Services 3000 500 200 6 Educated 0% 0%
International Airport 60000 10000 700 50 Well educated 40% 20% 800000
ChirpX Space Center Noise pollution 30000 80000 20000 500 50 Highly educated 25% 15%

Water & Sewage

Name Size (cells) Cost Upkeep per month XP Water output Decontamination rate Water source Sewage treatment Purification rate
Water Pumping Station 的圖標
Water Pumping Station
Extracts water from a lake or river and delivers it to the city via water pipes.Can be upgraded with an extra pump.
4×6 ₡25.0K ₡10.0K 100 100000 0.0 Surface Water
Water Pumping Station Extra Pump 的圖標
Water Pumping Station Extra Pump
An additional pump that significantly increases water intake and delivery capacity.
₡12.5K ₡7.0K 20 50000 0.0 Surface Water
Water Tower 的圖標
Water Tower
Delivers fresh water into the city via water pipes. Costly to maintain when compared to its output capacity, but can be placed anywhere. Can be upgraded with a viewing deck.
4×4 ₡60.0K ₡30.0K 150 30000 0.0
Water Tower Viewing Deck 的圖標
Water Tower Viewing Deck
A platform on the top of the water tower allows for sightseeing and thus provides the tower with entertainment value.
₡1.5K ₡500 30
Groundwater Pumping Station 的圖標
Groundwater Pumping Station
Extracts water from underground deposits and delivers it to the city via water pipes.Can be upgraded with an extra pump and an advanced filtering system.
6×6 ₡40.0K ₡20.0K 100 75000 0.0 Groundwater
Groundwater Pumping Station Advanced Filtering System 的圖標
Groundwater Pumping Station Advanced Filtering System
Greatly reduces the amount of pollutants in the intake water.
₡22.0K ₡11.0K 20 0 0.5 Groundwater
Groundwater Pumping Station Extra Pump 的圖標
Groundwater Pumping Station Extra Pump
An additional pump that significantly increases water intake and delivery capacity.
₡20.0K ₡7.0K 20 37500 0.0
Advanced Water Pumping Station 的圖標
Advanced Water Pumping Station
Extracts water from lakes, rivers and other bodies of surface water and pumps it to the city's water network. This high-power facility can easily perform the work of several regular pumping stations on its own.
11×21 ₡240.0K ₡95.0K 1000 1000000 0.0 Surface Water
Sewage Outlet 的圖標
Sewage Outlet
A basic sewage processing facility that pumps waste water out into the environment.Can be upgraded with an additional settling tank and a chemical purification system.
2×2 ₡25.0K ₡20.0K 100 100000 0.0
Sewage Outlet Chemical Purification 的圖標
Sewage Outlet Chemical Purification
Reduces the amount of pollutants in the water before it is expelled into the environment.
₡12.0K ₡4.0K 20 0 0.25
Sewage Outlet Extra Settling Tank 的圖標
Sewage Outlet Extra Settling Tank
Increases the water flow and reduces the amount of sewage being expelled.
2×3 ₡30.0K ₡10.0K 20 0 0.1
Wastewater Treatment Plant 的圖標
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Processes sewage and purifies it of pollutants. The treated water is then pumped back into the water network. The removed pollutants become garbage to be collected.Can be upgraded with an advanced filtering system and an additional processing unit.
12×10 ₡480.0K ₡105.0K 1000 0 0.0 300000 0.5
Wastewater Treatment Plant Advanced Filtering System 的圖標
Wastewater Treatment Plant Advanced Filtering System
Increases the sewage purification rate, resulting in more sewage being turned back into fresh water.
12×10 ₡900.0K ₡30.0K 200 0 0.25
Wastewater Treatment Plant Extra Processing Unit 的圖標
Wastewater Treatment Plant Extra Processing Unit
Provides increased processing capacity for the facility.
12×10 ₡105.0K ₡40.0K 200 2500 0.0
Name Ground pollution Air pollution Noise pollution Electricity consumption Garbage accumulation Workplaces Max. needed education Evening shifts Night shifts
Water Pumping Station Noise pollution 5000 3000 0 4 Educated 25% 25%
Water Pumping Station Extra Pump Noise pollution 2500 1000 0 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Water Tower Noise pollution 2500 0 0
Water Tower Viewing Deck 0 0
Groundwater Pumping Station Noise pollution 5000 3000 0 8 Poorly educated 25% 25%
Groundwater Pumping Station Advanced Filtering System 1000 0
Groundwater Pumping Station Extra Pump Noise pollution 2500 500 0 2 Poorly educated 0% 0%
Advanced Water Pumping Station Noise pollution 25000 3000 0 16 Well educated 25% 25%
Sewage Outlet Air pollution 5000 Noise pollution 5000 0 0
Sewage Outlet Chemical Purification Air pollution 2500 Noise pollution 5000 0 0
Sewage Outlet Extra Settling Tank Ground pollution 2500 Air pollution 2500 Noise pollution 5000 0 0
Wastewater Treatment Plant Ground pollution 7500 Air pollution 7500 Noise pollution 15000 1500 175 20 Well educated 25% 25%
Wastewater Treatment Plant Advanced Filtering System 1250 125
Wastewater Treatment Plant Extra Processing Unit Ground pollution 2500 Air pollution 2500 Noise pollution 7500 1000 100 10 Educated 0% 0%


In Cities: Skylines II each city service building (with few exceptions) is upgradeable, extending its operations to service more citizens and answer different needs of the citizens.

Upgrades can add new functionality or expand the existing functionalities of a service building. For example, you can place an ambulance depot or an extension wing to a Medical Clinic to add more ambulances and patient capacity. Similarly, placing an extension wing to an Elementary School increases its student capacity while placing a Children’s Clinic or a Playground improves student Health and Well-being, respectively, both adding new effects to the Elementary School. A power plant can have additional turbines built, increasing the electricity output, an exhaust filter added to decrease the amount of air pollution created by the power plant, or additional storage space for storing fuel. Upgrades come in many forms and improve service buildings in many different ways.

It is worth noting that adding upgrades costs money and in most cases, the upgrades also add to the building’s upkeep cost. It may not always be beneficial to build all upgrades for a building but instead to consider the needs of the city and its citizens. Is the exhaust filter necessary for that power plant which is already downwind from the city and the air pollution spreads away from the residential areas? Maybe not. But if the power plant is located near the city center and was built in the early days of the city, the exhaust filter might be exactly what the plant needs. It can continue to operate closer to the city without causing too much harm with its air pollution. If the school is already full of students but more eligible citizens are in the city, it could be better to upgrade the school with additional student capacity or to build an entirely new school in another part of the city, depending on where the students are located. In this example, providing them with nearby facilities cuts travel time and contributes less to traffic congestion.

Upgrade types

Service upgrades are divided into three categories: Operational, Extensions, and Sub-buildings.

Operational upgrades add functional and statistical changes to the building without changing its looks. These can be bandwidth increases for the Radio Mast, exhaust filters installed in a Coal Power Plant, or a dispatch center built inside the Taxi Depot.

Extensions are visible upgrades connected directly to the main building, usually increasing the building's capacity for vehicles, output, range, or the number of citizens being serviced. These include, among other things, extension wings for medical facilities and schools providing more patient and student capacity, respectively, garages for various services increasing the size of their service vehicle fleet and additional turbines for power plants increasing their electricity output and fuel consumption. Extensions have a fixed position on the building lot and fit inside the existing lot size.

Sub-buildings are separate buildings attached to the service building’s existing lot. They can increase, for example, the fuel storage capacity of power plants or add new functionality to a building, such as the aforementioned Children’s Clinic and Playground upgrades for the Elementary School. Sub-buildings naturally require additional space to be built so it is important to take into consideration the placement of the service building and make sure that there is enough free space around them for those potential sub-buildings added in the future!
