{{Version|1.0}} '''标志性建筑'''独特的可放置[[分区|区域]]建筑,可以为城市[[进度]]提供XP,并为周边区域带来多项增益。和其他可放置建筑物一样,它可以迁址,也可以推平重建。 每栋地标建筑有各自的解锁条件,如达到某一[[里程碑]]等级、达到市民[[幸福感]]等级或特定分区的地块数达到一定值。满足条件后,建筑物就会解锁,你可以像服务类建筑一样将其放置在地图上的任意位置。建造过程完全免费。 地标建筑的运作方式和一般区域建筑类似,也会为以区域为单位的经济循环做贡献。住宅类建筑欢迎新[[市民]]入住,而商业类建筑物、办公楼或工厂会寻找适合入驻的[[企业]]。地标建筑内公司的成败遵循和其他所有商业机构同样的规则。他们也需要雇用合适的劳动力,竞争顾客,努力盈利。 每栋地标建筑还能提供一到两个增益,增益的影响范围从街区到全市不等。有些会影响市民福祉和城市对[[游客]]的[[吸引力]],还有的则会提升城市整个工业部门,或是提升高等[[教育]]效率等等!不管哪种都会为你的城市带来有趣的新效果和更多选择。 == 住宅建筑 == {{SVersion|1.0|table}} {| class = "mildtable sortable" ! width="300px" | 名称 !! 大小(格数) !! 主题 !! 解锁条件 !! XP !! 效果 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|巴尔塔松房|Baltar Pines}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Baltar Pines.png|300px|巴尔塔松房]] ''一块巨石,可以改善周围环境带来多样化。'' | 1×4 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMediumRow.png|40px|NA Medium Density Row Housing]] 1,000格北美中密度联排住宅建筑 | 300 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径750米范围内{{green|+3}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|CO10公寓|CO10 Condos}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock CO10 Condos.png|300px|CO10公寓]] ''为庆祝其开发商创业十周年而建造的装饰精美的红砖建筑。让人感受到温暖热情的氛围。'' | 4×4 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMediumRow.png|40px|NA Medium Density Row Housing]] 10,000格北美中密度联排住宅建筑 | 1200 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径2千米范围内{{green|+7}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|世纪城堡|Century Castle}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Century Castle.png|300px|世纪城堡]] ''豪华复古住宅用摩天大厦,高层有城堡式的建筑。令周围的人振奋精神,可吸引游客。'' | 9×7 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialHigh.png|40px|NA High Density Housing]] 100幢等级5北美高密度住宅建筑 | 1500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径2.5千米范围内{{green|+10}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|巨塔|Colossal Tower}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Colossal Tower.png|300px|巨塔]] ''一栋玻璃钢制的现代摩天大楼,具有令人好奇的棱角分明设计感。'' | 9×6 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialHigh.png|40px|NA High Density Housing]] 200幢等级5北美高密度住宅建筑 | 3000 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径3千米范围内{{green|+12}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|群星公寓|Constellation Apartments}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Constellation Apartments.png|300px|群星公寓]] ''入住星座公寓,感受苍穹浩瀚的微笑。'' | 1×4 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMediumRow.png|40px|EU Medium Density Row Housing]] 5,000格欧洲中密度联排住宅建筑 | 600 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径1.25千米范围内{{green|+5}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|刚玉公寓|Corundum Condos}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Corundum Condos.png|300px|刚玉公寓]] ''一栋经典的现代建筑,让居民心情愉悦。'' | 6×10 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMedium.png|40px|EU Medium Density Housing]] 500格欧洲中密度住宅建筑 | 500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径1千米范围内{{green|+4}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|欧否公寓|Deuclidia Apartments}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Deuclidia Apartments.png|300px|欧否公寓]] ''光滑的弧形让周围每个人感到震惊,称赞的那种震惊。'' | 10×14 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMedium.png|40px|EU Medium Density Housing]] 5,000格欧洲中密度住宅建筑 | 1500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径2.5千米范围内{{green|+10}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ===={{ruby|电影演员宅邸|Film Actor Mansion}}==== [[File:Signature building unlock Film Actor Mansion.png|300px|电影演员宅邸]] ''某位银幕上的明星选择在这里远离尘世烦扰与喧嚣。'' | 5×10 | {{icon|North American}} | 需要以下全部:<br> [[File:ZoneNAResidentialLow.png|40px|NA Low Density Housing]] 10,000格北美低密度住宅建筑<br> 10,000 已生产的媒体商品 | 500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} 为半径1千米范围内{{green|+4}}生活质量 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Gatehouse Residences==== [[File:Signature building unlock Gatehouse Residences.png|300px|Gatehouse Residences]] ''A highly decorated residential building whose tower designs invoke the feeling of magic and fantasy in its residents and everyone nearby.'' | 6×8 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMedium.png|40px|NA Medium Density Housing]] 5,000 cells | 1500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+10}} Well-Being within 2.5 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Halo Heights==== [[File:Signature building unlock Halo Heights.png|300px|Halo Heights]] ''The residents of Halo Heights are able to touch the skies. Luxurious homes for those who aim for the top. The grand design improves the mood of passers-by and attracts tourists.'' | 8×10 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialHigh.png|40px|EU High Density Housing]] Level 5: 100 buildings | 1500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+10}} Well-Being within 2.5 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Mollari Palace==== [[File:Signature building unlock Mollari Palace.png|300px|Mollari Palace]] ''This beautiful old style building lifts the spirits of everyone passing by.'' | 1×4 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMediumRow.png|40px|EU Medium Density Row Housing]] 10,000 cells | 1200 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+7}} Well-Being within 2 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Old Factory Condos==== [[File:Signature building unlock Old Factory Condos.png|300px|Old Factory Condos]] ''An old factory converted into luxurious living spaces that spark joy in their inhabitants.'' | 6×6 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMedium.png|40px|EU Medium Density Housing]] 2,500 cells | 750 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+8}} Well-Being within 2 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Painter Mansion==== [[File:Signature building unlock Painter Mansion.png|300px|Painter Mansion]] ''This painter is known the world over, but chooses to live in this city.'' | 5×5 | {{icon|North American}} | All of: * [[File:ZoneNAResidentialLow.png|40px|NA Low Density Housing]] 25,000 cells * {{icon|happiness}} 60% | 1000 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+6}} Well-Being within 1.5 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Polaris Suites==== [[File:Signature building unlock Polaris Suites.png|300px|Polaris Suites]] ''Residents will enjoy the atmosphere of this smooth, luxurious building.'' | 12×5 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMedium.png|40px|NA Medium Density Housing]] 500 cells | 500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+4}} Well-Being within 1 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Pop Musician Mansion==== [[File:Signature building unlock Pop Musician Mansion.png|300px|Pop Musician Mansion]] ''The terrace of this house is perfect for the parties the pop star living here loves to throw.'' | 6×8 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Housing]] 2,500 cells | 250 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+2}} Well-Being within 500 m |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Rock Musician Mansion==== [[File:Signature building unlock Rock Musician Mansion.png|300px|Rock Musician Mansion]] ''A famous rock star lives in this mansion when not on tour.'' | 5×8 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialLow.png|40px|NA Low Density Housing]] 2,500 cells | 250 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+2}} Well-Being within 500 m |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Rubique Apartments==== [[File:Signature building unlock Rubique Apartments.png|300px|Rubique Apartments]] ''Luxuriously stylized brick building that has many visually inspiring aspects.'' | 6×8 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMedium.png|40px|NA Medium Density Housing]] 2,500 cells | 750 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+8}} Well-Being within 2 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Sculptor Mansion==== [[File:Signature building unlock Sculptor Mansion.png|300px|Sculptor Mansion]] ''The shapes of this mansion reflect the art of the sculptor who owns it.'' | 4×6 | {{icon|European}} | All of: * [[File:ZoneResidentialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Housing]] 25,000 cells * {{icon|happiness}} 60% | 1000 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+6}} Well-Being within 1.5 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====The Grass Crown==== [[File:Signature building unlock The Grass Crown.png|300px|The Grass Crown]] ''A round, terraced residential building complex that elicits feelings of triumph of both its residents as well as everyone around.'' | 18×18 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialHigh.png|40px|EU High Density Housing]] Level 5: 200 buildings | 3000 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+12}} Well-Being within 3 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Theater Actor Mansion==== [[File:Signature building unlock Theater Actor Mansion.png|300px|Theater Actor Mansion]] ''When not on stage, this is where a noteworthy thespian relaxes.'' | 6×4 | {{icon|European}} | All of: * [[File:ZoneResidentialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Housing]] 10,000 cells * 10,000 Media goods produced | 500 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+4}} Well-Being within 1 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Vertigo Square==== [[File:Signature building unlock Vertigo Square.png|300px|Vertigo Square]] ''Citizens will be dizzy with excitement living here!'' | 1×4 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMediumRow.png|40px|EU Medium Density Row Housing]] 1,000 cells | 300 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 750 m |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Vista Building==== [[File:Signature building unlock Vista Building.png|300px|Vista Building]] ''Brilliant moods and beautiful design despite some issues with windows.'' | 1×6 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMediumRow.png|40px|NA Medium Density Row Housing]] 5,000 cells | 600 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1.25 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Watanabe Tower==== [[File:Signature building unlock Watanabe Tower.png|300px|Watanabe Tower]] ''A residential glass-walled monolith that reaches almost impossibly high into the sky.'' | 5×6 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialHigh.png|40px|NA High Density Housing]] Level 5: 50 buildings | 750 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+6}} Well-Being within 1.5 km |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Waveform Tower==== [[File:Signature building unlock Waveform Tower.png|300px|Waveform Tower]] ''The beautiful wavy design of this massive residential building catches the light and the eye in the most fascinating way.'' | 12×14 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialHigh.png|40px|EU High Density Housing]] Level 5: 50 buildings | 750 | {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+6}} Well-Being within 1.5 km |} <section end=autogenerated_SignaturesResidential_list/> == Mixed residential buildings == <section begin=autogenerated_SignaturesResidentialMixed_list/><!-- Everything in this section is generated and automatically uploaded with PyHelpersForPDXWikis Please suggest changes on the talk page, because all manual changes will be overwritten by the next update! -->{{SVersion|1.0|table}} {| class = "mildtable sortable" ! width="300px" | Name !! Size (cells) !! Theme !! Requirements !! XP !! Attractiveness !! Effects !! Noise pollution |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Cane Residences==== [[File:Signature building unlock Cane Residences.png|300px|Cane Residences]] ''Bespoke suits and dresses are made in the bottom floor tailor shop, while high-end residences fill the upper floors.'' | 5×6 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMixed.png|40px|NA Mixed Housing]] 5,000 cells | 1500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 15 | * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+10}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1500 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Ember Suites==== [[File:Signature building unlock Ember Suites.png|300px|Ember Suites]] ''Luxury homes on top of a clothing store. With an updating wardrobe downstairs, every day can be full of style and sass!'' | 4×8 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMixed.png|40px|NA Mixed Housing]] 2,500 cells | 750 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+8}} Well-Being within 1.25 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1500 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Epicurean Garden==== [[File:Signature building unlock Epicurean Garden.png|300px|Epicurean Garden]] ''Luxurious living spaces atop a high-end restaurant. Made for those who appreciate life for its pleasures.'' | 5×5 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMixed.png|40px|EU Mixed Housing]] 500 cells | 500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 5 | * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+4}} Well-Being within 750 m | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1500 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Figura Building==== [[File:Signature building unlock Figura Building.png|300px|Figura Building]] ''Art and high-end housing go hand in hand in this building. A multi-floored gallery space at the bottom is completed by luxury residences above.'' | 5×10 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMixed.png|40px|EU Mixed Housing]] 4,000 cells | 750 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+8}} Well-Being within 1.25 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1500 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Ironpress Building==== [[File:Signature building unlock Ironpress Building.png|300px|Ironpress Building]] ''Books to nourish the mind and soul, with luxury apartments on top. The bottom floor bookstore stocks everything from the ordinary to the esoteric.'' | 4×4 | {{icon|North American}} | [[File:ZoneNAResidentialMixed.png|40px|NA Mixed Housing]] 500 cells | 500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 5 | * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+4}} Well-Being within 750 m | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1500 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Ludo Square==== [[File:Signature building unlock Ludo Square.png|300px|Ludo Square]] ''Life is all about fun and games in this residential building that houses a famous toy store on the bottom floor.'' | 4×8 | {{icon|European}} | [[File:ZoneResidentialMixed.png|40px|EU Mixed Housing]] 5,000 cells | 1500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 15 | * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+10}} Well-Being within 2 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1500 |} <section end=autogenerated_SignaturesResidentialMixed_list/> == Commercial buildings == <section begin=autogenerated_SignaturesCommercial_list/><!-- Everything in this section is generated and automatically uploaded with PyHelpersForPDXWikis Please suggest changes on the talk page, because all manual changes will be overwritten by the next update! -->{{SVersion|1.0|table}} {| class = "mildtable sortable" ! width="300px" | Name !! Size (cells) !! Theme !! DLC !! Requirements !! XP !! Attractiveness !! Effects !! Noise pollution |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Activity Plaza==== [[File:Signature building unlock Activity Plaza.png|300px|Activity Plaza]] ''The destination for recreation. A massive building that can hold even the largest gathering of family and friends.'' | 8×9 | {{icon|European}} | | [[File:ZoneCommercialHigh.png|40px|EU High Density Business]] Level 5: 120 buildings | 750 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 20 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−1%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 4000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Auto Center==== [[File:Signature building unlock Auto Center.png|300px|Auto Center]] ''A fancy, modern building that is sure to cater to any and all motor vehicle needs.'' | 12×10 | {{icon|European}} | | [[File:ZoneCommercialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Business]] 7,000 cells | 600 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 1 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 4000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Fashion Square==== [[File:Signature building unlock Fashion Square.png|300px|Fashion Square]] ''A large retail space for all your citizens' retail needs.'' | 10×7 | {{icon|European}} | | [[File:ZoneCommercialHigh.png|40px|EU High Density Business]] Level 5: 60 buildings | 500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−1%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 3000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Food Station==== [[File:Signature building unlock Food Station.png|300px|Food Station]] ''Room for all the hungry customers under one roof.'' | 6×10 | {{icon|North American}} | | [[File:ZoneNACommercialLow.png|40px|NA Low Density Business]] 7,000 cells | 600 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 1 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 2000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Marketplace==== [[File:Signature building unlock Marketplace.png|300px|Marketplace]] ''This large marketplace can handle rush hour influx of customers with ease.'' | 17×25 | {{icon|European}} | | [[File:ZoneCommercialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Business]] 15,000 cells | 800 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 15 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 7000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Muscle Car Garage==== [[File:Signature building unlock Muscle Car Garage.png|300px|Muscle Car Garage]] ''Cool and special cars sold, bought and repaired right here!'' | 13×10 | {{icon|European}} | {{icon|sfc}} | [[File:ZoneCommercialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Business]] 4,000 cells | 400 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 5 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 500 m | {{icon|noise pollution}} 4000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====One Stop Station==== [[File:Signature building unlock One Stop Station.png|300px|One Stop Station]] ''A large gas station and rest stop for motorist.'' | 12×10 | {{icon|North American}} | | [[File:ZoneNACommercialLow.png|40px|NA Low Density Business]] 15,000 cells | 800 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 15 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 4000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Square Center==== [[File:Signature building unlock Square Center.png|300px|Square Center]] ''Modern fashion needs are served by this center for fashion.'' | 9×10 | {{icon|North American}} | | [[File:ZoneNACommercialHigh.png|40px|NA High Density Business]] Level 5: 60 buildings | 500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−1%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 3000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Streamline Diner==== [[File:Signature building unlock Streamline Diner.png|300px|Streamline Diner]] ''A classic American style diner building for when you just want some nostalgia.'' | 3×2 | {{icon|North American}} | | [[File:ZoneNACommercialLow.png|40px|NA Low Density Business]] 4,000 cells | 400 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 5 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 500 m | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====The Capacitor Building==== [[File:Signature building unlock The Capacitor Building.png|300px|The Capacitor Building]] ''A massive center for all your electronics needs. They stock items so rare that people from other cities come to visit just to get their hands on the latest hardware.'' | 5×10 | {{icon|North American}} | | [[File:ZoneNACommercialHigh.png|40px|NA High Density Business]] Level 5: 240 buildings | 1000 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 30 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−1%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 2 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 5000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====The Emerald Building==== [[File:Signature building unlock The Emerald Building.png|300px|The Emerald Building]] ''A classically designed green roof building with office space. An architectural landmark that attracts tourists far and wide.'' | 8×6 | {{icon|European}} | | [[File:ZoneCommercialHigh.png|40px|EU High Density Business]] Level 5: 240 buildings | 1000 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 30 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−1%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 2 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 5000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====The Marvelous Marble==== [[File:Signature building unlock The Marvelous Marble.png|300px|The Marvelous Marble]] ''A visually striking old style building with marble decorations. Guarantees service satisfaction to all the tourists it attracts.'' | 4×9 | {{icon|North American}} | | [[File:ZoneNACommercialHigh.png|40px|NA High Density Business]] Level 5: 120 buildings | 750 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 20 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−1%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+1%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 4000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Villa City==== [[File:Signature building unlock Villa City.png|300px|Villa City]] ''An old style soda bar with a large rooftop terrace where patrons can enjoy their beverage while taking in the sights.'' | 3×4 | {{icon|European}} | | [[File:ZoneCommercialLow.png|40px|EU Low Density Business]] 4,000 cells | 400 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 5 | * {{icon|Import Costs}} {{green|−0.5%}} Import Costs (city-wide) * {{icon|Attractiveness}} {{green|+0.5%}} Attractiveness (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+3}} Well-Being within 500 m | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1000 |} <section end=autogenerated_SignaturesCommercial_list/> == Industrial buildings == <section begin=autogenerated_SignaturesIndustrial_list/><!-- Everything in this section is generated and automatically uploaded with PyHelpersForPDXWikis Please suggest changes on the talk page, because all manual changes will be overwritten by the next update! -->{{SVersion|1.0|table}} {| class = "mildtable sortable" ! width="300px" | Name !! Size (cells) !! Requirements !! XP !! Effects !! Ground pollution !! Air pollution !! Noise pollution |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Chemical Plant==== [[File:Signature building unlock Chemical Plant.png|300px|Chemical Plant]] ''Chemicals are everything and more are made here everyday!'' | 19×18 | [[File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png|40px|Industrial Manufacturing]] 8,000 cells | 500 | {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+1%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 18000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 13000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 26000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Dairy House==== [[File:Signature building unlock Dairy House.png|300px|Dairy House]] ''Delivering delectable dairy delights daily.'' | 14×12 | [[File:ZoneIndustrialAgriculture.png|40px|Agriculture Area Hub]] 10 buildings | 750 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Export Profits}} {{green|+2%}} Export Profits (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 9000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 7000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 13000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Fuel Plant==== [[File:Signature building unlock Fuel Plant.png|300px|Fuel Plant]] ''Fuel production of all types happens here.'' | 28×14 | [[File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png|40px|Industrial Manufacturing]] Level 5: 50 buildings | 1000 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Industrial Air Pollution}} {{green|−5%}} Industrial Air Pollution (city-wide) * {{icon|Industrial Ground Pollution}} {{green|−5%}} Industrial Ground Pollution (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 20000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 15000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 30000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Ground Earth==== [[File:Signature building unlock Ground Earth.png|300px|Ground Earth]] ''Crushing large rocks into ever smaller rocks like never before.'' | 18×10 | [[File:ZoneIndustrialOre.png|40px|Mining Area Hub]] 10 buildings | 750 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Ore Deposits}} {{green|+10%}} Ore Deposits (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 9000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 7000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 14000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Oil Refinery==== [[File:Signature building unlock Oil Refinery.png|300px|Oil Refinery]] ''Oil that once just used to uselessly lie underground is fashioned into many different substances in this very refinery!'' | 24×30 | All of: * [[File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png|40px|Industrial Manufacturing]] 10,000 cells * 1 Technical University | 1000 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 36000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 27000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 54000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Paper Factory==== [[File:Signature building unlock Paper Factory.png|300px|Paper Factory]] ''Paper for all purposes, it's all made here!'' | 36×28 | [[File:ZoneIndustrialForestry.png|40px|Forestry Area Hub]] 10 buildings | 750 | {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+5%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 41000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 22000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 76000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Pharma==== [[File:Signature building unlock Pharma.png|300px|Pharma]] ''Pharmaceutical production, endeavouring to make the products accessible to all. This has a positive effect on citizen health and well-being.'' | 16×20 | All of: * {{icon|population}} 10,000 * 1 Medical University | 1000 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 16000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 12000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 24000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Switchon==== [[File:Signature building unlock Switchon.png|300px|Switchon]] ''From the humble toaster to the self-organizing sock drawer, this factory makes everything that runs on electricity.'' | 30×22 | All of: * [[File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png|40px|Industrial Manufacturing]] Level 5: 100 buildings * 1 College | 1000 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|College Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1}} College Graduation Chance (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 33000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 25000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 50000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Vehicle Factory==== [[File:Signature building unlock Vehicle Factory.png|300px|Vehicle Factory]] ''The cars of tomorrow are being built in this megafactory today!'' | 36×36 | [[File:ZoneIndustrialOil.png|40px|Oil Drilling Area Hub]] 10 buildings | 750 | * {{icon|Industrial Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Industrial Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Oil Deposits}} {{green|+10%}} Oil Deposits (city-wide) | {{icon|ground pollution}} 45000 | {{icon|air pollution}} 25000 | {{icon|noise pollution}} 98000 |} <section end=autogenerated_SignaturesIndustrial_list/> == Office buildings == <section begin=autogenerated_SignaturesOffice_list/><!-- Everything in this section is generated and automatically uploaded with PyHelpersForPDXWikis Please suggest changes on the talk page, because all manual changes will be overwritten by the next update! -->{{SVersion|1.0|table}} {| class = "mildtable sortable" ! width="300px" | Name !! Size (cells) !! Requirements !! XP !! Attractiveness !! Effects !! Noise pollution |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Coder Park==== [[File:Signature building unlock Coder Park.png|300px|Coder Park]] ''A modern office building where coffee gets converted into game design, art, and code.'' | 6×6 | [[File:ZoneOfficeLow.png|40px|Low Density Offices]] 5,000 cells | 750 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Office Efficiency}} {{green|+1%}} Office Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1%}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 2000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Incaserium==== [[File:Signature building unlock Incaserium.png|300px|Incaserium]] ''In this complex office building you can often hear people muttering the motto, better safe than sorry and just in case.'' | 9×8 | [[File:ZoneOfficeLow.png|40px|Low Density Offices]] 10,000 cells | 1000 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 15 | * {{icon|Office Efficiency}} {{green|+1%}} Office Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1%}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 3000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Multistory Multimedia==== [[File:Signature building unlock Multistory Multimedia.png|300px|Multistory Multimedia]] ''True to a classical style, this office building houses media companies that provide entertainment, information and everything in between. Its looks attract tourists that appreciate a timeless classic.'' | 9×8 | All of: * [[File:ZoneOfficeHigh.png|40px|High Density Offices]] 3,000 cells * 5 Radio Mast | 750 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 10 | * {{icon|Office Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Office Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1%}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 3000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Principiis==== [[File:Signature building unlock Principiis.png|300px|Principiis]] ''The companies working in this modern office building not only make sure that justice is served, but their efficiency actually helps to reduce the crime rate in the neighborhood.'' | 10×7 | [[File:ZoneOfficeLow.png|40px|Low Density Offices]] 2,000 cells | 500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 5 | * {{icon|Office Efficiency}} {{green|+1%}} Office Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1%}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 500 m * {{icon|Crime Rate}} {{green|−2}} Crime Rate within 500 m | {{icon|noise pollution}} 3000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Stylus Tower==== [[File:Signature building unlock Stylus Tower.png|300px|Stylus Tower]] ''A tower that truly leaves its mark on the city. It Houses a media company that has made many artists famous, which attracts tourists from all over the world.'' | 12×14 | [[File:ZoneOfficeHigh.png|40px|High Density Offices]] 12,000 cells | 1500 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 30 | * {{icon|Office Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Office Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1%}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 2 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 5000 |- | style="text-align:center;" | ====Waterfall Array==== [[File:Signature building unlock Waterfall Array.png|300px|Waterfall Array]] ''Design, form and function tied together, makes this the ideal place to make games, software and more. The visually stunning exterior also attracts tourists from the outside.'' | 8×10 | All of: * [[File:ZoneOfficeHigh.png|40px|High Density Offices]] 6,000 cells * 1 Server Farm | 1000 | {{icon|attractiveness}} 20 | * {{icon|Office Efficiency}} {{green|+2%}} Office Efficiency (city-wide) * {{icon|Interest in University Education}} {{green|+5%}} Interest in University Education (city-wide) * {{icon|University Graduation Chance}} {{green|+1%}} University Graduation Chance (city-wide) * {{icon|Well-Being}} {{green|+5}} Well-Being within 1.5 km | {{icon|noise pollution}} 1000 |} <section end=autogenerated_SignaturesOffice_list/> == 参考资料 == <references/> [[Category:Buildings]] [[en:Signature buildings]]
Template:Ambox 2020