
[阅读] [编辑]Template-info.png 模板文档

Used to call any of the icons from the below list with optional parameters for size and link. Many images are sourced from Category:Icons.


{{Icon|option|(optional size)|link=(optional)}}


  • {{Icon|zoning}} = Zones.png
  • {{Icon|zoning|20px}} = Zones.png
  • {{Icon|zoning|link=Zoning}} = Zones.png
  • {{Icon|zoning|20px|link=Zoning}} = Zones.png


Common icons

[Default Size: 40px]

DLC icons
base game DLC CS2.png
preorder DLC Landmark Buildings.png
pdxlogin Log in with a paradox account
sfc DLC San Francisco Set.png
treasure hunt CS1 Owner "DLC" for people who redeemed the code on paradox account found in the treasure hunt.
bp DLC Beach Properties.png
Theme icons
european Theme european.png
north american Theme north american.png
Misc icons
milestone, milestones Milestone.png
development points, dev points Development Points.png
expansion permits Expansion Permits.png
map tiles MapTile.png
economy Money.png

Tool/Toolbar Icons

[Default Size: 40px] [Default Link: ]

Toolbar Icons
administration Administration.png
air File:Air.png
areas File:Areas.png
commercial File:Commercial.png
communications File:Communications.png
deathcare File:Deathcare.png
disaster control File:Disaster Control.png
education File:Education.png
electricity Electricity.png
fire department, fire & rescue File:Fire & Rescue.png
garbage management File:Garbage Management.png
healthcare File:Healthcare.png
industrial File:Industrial.png
intersections File:Intersections.png
landmarks File:Landmarks.png
landscaping Landscaping.png
large parks File:Large Parks.png
large roads File:Large Roads.png
large sports parks File:Large Sports Parks.png
medium roads File:Medium Roads.png
Toolbar Icons
mixed residential File:Mixed Residential.png
office File:Office.png
parking spaces File:Parking Spaces.png
parks & recreation Parks & Recreation.png
pathways File:Pathways.png
police File:Police.png
post File:Post.png
research File:Research.png
residential File:Residential.png
road File:Road.png
road services Road Services.png
roads Roads.png
roundabouts File:Roundabouts.png
signature buildings Signature Buildings.png
small roads File:Small Roads.png
specialized industry File:Specialized Industry.png
sports parks File:Sports Parks.png
subway File:Subway.png
telecom Telecom.png
terraforming File:Terraforming.png
Toolbar Icons
tourist attractions File:Tourist Attractions.png
train File:Train.png
tram File:Tram.png
transportation Transportation.png
vegetation File:Vegetation.png
water File:Water.png
water & sewage File:Water & Sewage.png
zones, zoning Zones.png

Info view icons

Icons that don't appear in the toolbar, but are Info views icons. [Default Size: 40px] [Default Link: ]

Toolbar Icons
traffic Traffic.png
tourism File:Tourism.png
outside connections File:OutsideConnections.png
building level File:BuildingLevel.png
land value File:LandValue.png
company profitability File:CompanyProfit.png
natural resources File:NaturalResources.png
citizen wealth File:CitizenWealth.png
workplace availability File:Workers.png
water pollution File:WaterPollution.png


[Default Size: 24px]

City modifier Icons
attractiveness File:Tourism.png
building leveling cost File:BuildingLevel.png
college graduation chance File:Graduation.png
crime rate File:Police.png
demand for electronics File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png
demand for software File:ZoneOfficeHigh.png
disaster alert time File:Disaster.png
disaster damage File:Disaster.png
disease infection risk File:Healthcare.png
electronics production efficiency File:ZoneIndustrialManufacturing.png
entertainment Leisure.png
export profits File:OutsideConnections.png
health effects from pollution AirPollution.png
highway traffic safety Roads.png
hospital efficiency File:Healthcare.png
immediate response rate File:Police.png
import costs File:OutsideConnections.png
industrial air pollution AirPollution.png
industrial efficiency File:ZoneIndustrial.png
industrial garbage File:Garbage.png
industrial ground pollution File:GroundPollution.png
interest in university education File:Education.png
loan interest Money.png
network capacity Telecom.png
office efficiency File:ZoneOffice.png
oil deposits Resource oil.png
ore deposits Resource coal.png
park entertainment File:ParksAndRecreation.png
prison time File:Police.png
recovery failures File:Healthcare.png
software production efficiency File:ZoneOfficeHigh.png
university graduation chance File:Graduation.png
Local modifier Icons
crime rate File:Police.png
forest fire hazard File:FireSafety.png
forest fire response time File:FireSafety.png
health File:Healthcare.png
well-being, wellbeing WellBeing.png
Attribute Icons
happiness File:Happy.png
population File:Population.png
Building output Icons
air pollution Air pollution
ground pollution Ground pollution
noise pollution Noise pollution


[Default Size: 40px] [Default Link: Notifications]

Notification icons
alert air pollution alert air pollution
building already exists, alert already exists alert already exists
bad service electricity bad service electricity
battery empty battery empty
building abandoned building abandoned
building collapsed building collapsed
building condemned building condemned
building on fire building on fire
burned down burned down
cannot build on land cannot build on land
contaminated water pumped contaminated water pumped
contaminated water contaminated water
crime scene crime scene
dead end dead end
building destroyed, alert destroyed alert destroyed
dirty water pump dirty water pump
electricity bottleneck electricity bottleneck
exceeds city limits exceeds city limits
exceeds lot limits exceeds lot limits
facility full facility full
flood alert flood alert
groundwater level low groundwater level low
hearse service needed hearse service needed
invalid shape invalid shape
leveled up leveled up
low elevation low elevation
low production electricity low production electricity
Notification icons
medical emergency medical emergency
no boat access no boat access
no car access no car access
no cargo access no cargo access
no customers no customers
no educated workers no educated workers
no fuel no fuel
no groundwater no groundwater
no inputs no inputs
no outside connection no outside connection
no pedestrian access no pedestrian access
no running water no running water
no tracks no tracks
no train access no train access
no vehicles no vehicles
no workers no workers
alert noise pollution alert noise pollution
not enough electricity not enough electricity
not enough goods in shelter not enough goods in shelter
not enough industrial goods not enough industrial goods
not enough money not enough money
not enough output lines not enough output lines
not on border not on border
not on shoreline not on shoreline
out of electricity out of electricity
overlap existing overlap existing
pathfind failed pathfind failed
Notification icons
polluted soil polluted soil
powerline disconnected low powerline disconnected low voltage
powerline disconnected high, powerline disconnected powerline disconnected high voltage
rent too high rent too high
road not connected road not connected
sewage facility overload sewage facility overload
sewage not enough production sewage not enough production
sewage pipe disconnected sewage pipe disconnected
sewage overflow sewage overflow
short distance short distance
small area small area
steep slope steep slope
surface water level low surface water level low
tight curve tight curve
too long route too long route
too much garbage too much garbage
track not connected track not connected
traffic accident traffic accident
traffic bottleneck traffic bottleneck
turned off turned off
unemployed unemployed
building water damage, alert water damage alert water damage
building water destroyed, alert water destroyed alert water destroyed
water facility overload water facility overload
water not enough production water not enough production
water pipe disconnected water pipe disconnected
building weather damage, alert weather damage alert weather damage
building weather destroyed, alert weather destroyed alert weather destroyed

Goods / Resources / Materials

[Default Size: 24px] [Default Link: Economy#Production]

Goods / Resources / Materials
beverages Beverages
chemicals Chemicals
coal Coal
concrete Concrete
convenience food Convenience Food
cotton Cotton
crude oil Crude Oil
electronics Electronics
entertainment Leisure.png
financial Financial
Goods / Resources / Materials
food Food
furniture Furniture
garbage Garbage
grain Grain
livestock Livestock
local mail Local Mail
lodging Lodging
machinery Machinery
meals Meals
media Media
Goods / Resources / Materials
metal ore Metal Ore
metals Metals
minerals Minerals
outgoing mail Outgoing Mail
paper Paper
petrochemicals Petrochemicals
pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals
plastics Plastics
recreation Recreation
stone, rock Rock
Goods / Resources / Materials
software Software
steel Steel
telecom Telecom.png
textiles Textiles
timber Timber
unsorted mail Unsorted Mail
vegetables Vegetables
vehicles Vehicles
wood Wood

Specialized industry areas

[Default Size: 32px] [Default Link: Specialized Industry]

Specialized industry areas
agriculture area Agriculture Area
forestry area Forestry Area
ore area Ore Area
oil area Oil Area

Main menu and map overview

[Default Size: 24px] [Default Link: Natural Resources]

Natural Resources
fertile land Fertile Land
forest Forest
groundwater File:Water & Sewage.png
ore Ore
oil Oil

[Default Size: 24px] [Default Link: Outside Connections]

Outside Connections
highway connections Highway Connections
rail connections Rail Connections
ship connections Ship Connections
airplane connections Airplane Connections
electricity connections Electricity Connections

Weather / Seasons / Climate

[Default Size: 24px] [Default Link: Climate]

Climate icons
broken Broken
few Few
hail Hail
humid Humid
moon Moon
overcast Overcast
rain Rain
scattered Scattered
semi-arid Semi-arid
semi-humid Semi-humid
snow Snow
storm Storm
sun Sun


[Default Size: 40px] [Default Link: Policies]

City Policy icons
taxi minimum Taxi Minimum Fare
pre-release programs Pre-Release Programs
advanced pollution management Advanced Pollution Management
city promotion City Promotion
high speed highways High Speed Highways
District Policy icons
energy consumption Energy Consumption Awareness
recycling Recycling
roadside parking Roadside Parking Fee
speed bumps Speed Bumps
heavy traffic ban Heavy Traffic Ban
gated community Gated Community
combustion engine ban Combustion Engine Ban


[Default Size: 24px] [Default Link: Citizens]

Citizen Condition icons
evacuated Evacuated
homeless Homeless
in distress In Distress
injured Injured
malcontent Malcontent
sick Sick
weak Weak
Happiness icons
happy Happy
content Content
neutral Neutral
sad Sad
depressed Depressed